Two- New Schools

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izuku's p.o.v
*side note: if any text is in italics from this chapter on, it means that it's being signed (as in sign language)*

"get up sweetie! it's your first day of fourth grade and rei wanted you over for breakfast at her place," my momma said, opening up my door. i sat up in bed, my hair curly and frizzy from my nights sleep. i got out of bed, pulling out a button up shirt for our schools uniform and some dark black jeans. i pulled on some socks and my red sneakers, grabbing a jacket for the cool september weather. i grabbed my backpack from next to my door and ran out. "bye momma! i love you! see you after school!" i said, already running to the door and opening it up. "wait up! i have your lunch!" she said, handing me my metal lunchbox with All Might on the front. he was my favorite superhero. i smiled, thanking her and giving her a quick hug before i left to cross the street. it wasn't unusual for me to meet at their house for breakfast the first morning of school. shoto went to a different school then i did; one for special kids. he loathed going to that school, angrily signing that he was just as capable as every other kid. i always through the was too. i never had any other friends at school either which made my days pretty boring. i only wanted to hang out with shoto.

i arrived at their front door, knocking three times before rei opened the door. she let me in, leaning down to button up my shirt correctly since i was never good at it and i was in a rush anyways. "go sit at the table, i made pancakes," she smiled, going back to the kitchen. i looked over at sho, waving. he waved back. i had picked up some sign language in the six years of meeting him since i was four and i was pretty good at it now. there were still some things i couldn't do and sometimes i would try talking for a moment but soon realize my mistake. shoto is nonverbal, he's tried to talk before but it doesn't sound very clear and it's hard to understand him when he tries so he stopped talking all together after a year of attempting it. 'you ready for another year of school?' i asked 'not in the slightest. i hate it there. i feel like an idiot while i'm at that school,' he said. i knew he hated it and i always felt bad for him. "pancakes are ready," rei signed and said aloud. she was the one who taught me most of what i knew. it made me happy that she was okay with teaching me as i enjoyed learning.

"i also have a surprise," she smiled again, going to the kitchen and holding up a packet of paper. she brought it over, setting it down in front of shoto. his eyes lightened up and his smile beaming. "what is it shoto?" i asked, getting out of my seat and headed over to him. my eyes scanned the paper, reading it in my head.

Bridge Water Academy
Name: Shoto Todoroki
Sex: Male
Grade: 5
Date Of Birth: 1-11-xxxx
Official Enrollment Process Completion Papers
I Rei Todoroki have officially enrolled my child Shoto Todoroki into Bridge Water Academy and hereby state that she/he is now enrolled. School will start on August 17, xxxx

   i couldn't believe what i was reading. i looked over at red to see what he thought. his eyes were wide and tears brimmed at the edges of his eyes as he looked over to me. "does this mean we'll be in the same school?" he signed quickly. i almost didn't make out what he said with his hands flailing around so quickly. i nodded. he jumped out of his chair, running over and hugging me, his arms gripping my polo shirt tightly. "alright boys. it's time to start heading that way. izuku can show you around where you need to be. i arranged a special schedule with the assistant principal and councilor and you'll share all the same classes as izuku. go grab your bags and jump in the car. dad will take you to school," she signed gently, patting both of our shoulders. his dad had come back into the picture a few months ago. i wasn't sure exactly how shoto felt about that. he never really talked about it. we flung our book bags onto our backs and ran out the door hand in hand. nothing could stop us from having the best day ever! and then we showed up at school.

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