Just then the trio were joined by Patricia, Jerome and Fabian.

"Where have you three been?" asked Nina exasperatedly "I could have sworn you were right behind me"

Patricia tried to write a message on her white board, but the letters turned into random signs.

"It's your hex isn't it? It's getting worse"

"Yessss it issss" hissed Jerome angrily. His pupils had become slits and his 's' were once again elongated. "It would be in our bessst interesssstsss to find the missing bell asss ssssoon assss possible".

"Alright, I need someone to be in charge of watching Lili and baby Alfie. The rest of us can split up and find the bell. Fabian did you find out any other leads on the theft from Trudy?" asked Nina while pacing.

"Yes! I had something to tell someone important. I know there was a someone and a something..."

"Ssssspit it out already mate" snapped Jerome.

"Can someone please tell me the plan? Because if Alfie can turn into a baby, what's going to happen to me?" worried Amber. The next stage for her would be death... and given Alfie's sudden de-aging... her next step could come at any moment!!!

"Amber, please don't worry!" disregarded Nina.

"Nina. Listen to me! Patricia can't communicate at all. Fabian's probably going to forget his own name soon, Lili is completely blind, Jerome is some sort of hideous half-man half-snake creature and Alfie is an INFANT!!"

"So... What's going on here?" interrupted Fabian.

"You're right. This is really bad. Maybe I should just check the doll house..." suggested Nina.

Fabian cut her off asking, "No, no, no. I mean, what's going on in here? Who are you people?". Amber's heart broke, they had officially lost Fabian.

"Fabian?" asked Nina, her voice cracking with emotion.

"Who's Fabian? Is this a joke? Who are you? Any of you?" rambled the boy nervously. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't be here. I'm just going to go". Having said his piece, Fabian turned and hurried out of the room, but without his memory there was no telling where he would end up.

"Fabian, wait!" shrieked Nina following him out of the room.

"Well what should we do?" asked Lili.

"I guess we just wait here till Nina sorts that out" shrugged Amber turning back to her book. This demon bitch wasn't going to vanquish herself.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

The scene that Nina and Fabian returned to a while later could only be described as pure chaos. Jerome and Liliana were on the phone arguing with Joy about preparations for the next night's New Year's Party. Baby Alfie had led Patricia on a merry chase around the room and knocked over many of Amber's boxes, shredded Nina's homework, and spit up all over the American girl's sheets and Patricia's clothes. Patricia had finally managed to capture the infant and put him back in the wardrobe. Amber simply sat on her bed amongst the chaos and watched with a vaguely annoyed expression while she tried to figure out their ghost problem.

"What the hell is happening in here!" shouted Nina. "I was only gone for twenty minutes tops!"

Tears of Gold: House of AnubisWhere stories live. Discover now