The First Recoupling

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With Dylan, Nas, Callum, Connor and Mike they spoke about the new boy Connagh and they asked Dylan about his kiss with Nyomi and he just replied with it's the best kiss I've had then Siannise had to squeal.

Up on the balcony the triplets were together discussing what had happened with Callum and Dylan was dragged there by Eve as she thought he should know. He found out that Siannise was looking to couple up with one of the two boys that had arrived earlier on that day. They both didn't have the same crush this time as they both liked one of the new boys more than the other.

Nyomi was sat with Paige for the rest of the night and they spoke about Finley and how Nyomi thought she should give him a try because he was really nice and he is your type apart from the age and that's only a baby sized barrier it could be he's a cheater which he never said. Then Nyomi and Paige had a laugh about his foot fetish  as she's never met anyone into feet and being a dancer you wouldn't want to go near her feet due to the amount of damage she has done in the past to her feet from dancing.

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Getting changed into pyjamas and getting her makeup off her face she had then all ask her about the kiss she had with Dylan as she ran from them till they gave up as she is used to running in heels and she just blushed and looked away and told the...

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Getting changed into pyjamas and getting her makeup off her face she had then all ask her about the kiss she had with Dylan as she ran from them till they gave up as she is used to running in heels and she just blushed and looked away and told them that she really enjoyed the kiss she had with Dylan and it was the best kiss she had had in awhile.

Getting changed with the boys Dylan some of the boys were concerned about the stability with the new boys but they were genuine and Dylan stayed with them while they put their stuff away as he wanted them to feel welcomed into the villa and he wanted to ask Finley about Paige as he is close with Paige due to Nyomi and Paige being so close.

In bed together they had a long kiss under the covers as everyone was asleep and they didn't hear anyone moving around and they fell asleep wrapped up with each other.

The next morning Nyomi woke up to Dylan shaking her awake so she would go workout as she didn't yesterday and she made him wake her up early so she could work out and practice a few dances and he did just that so she got ready and went to work out where he would join her in 5 minutes as he was gonna get changed and talk to Finn and Connagh.

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