Chapter 7: The Storm

Start from the beginning


The sun set once again and we were all huddled up together, trying to find some warmth as we used our backpacks for pillows. At first I couldn't sleep, so I just played with Gally's cuff before sleepiness took over.

I woke up to the sound of someone waking us up. It was Thomas.

"Y/n. Wake up."

I got to my feet, along with everyone else as we followed my brothers gaze, seeing lights in the distance.

"You see that?" Thomas looked back at us with a small smile. "It's lights." His voice cracked.

"We made it." Minho breathed.

All of a sudden, a loud sound of thunder was heard from behind us, causing us to snap our heads to it, waiting a couple seconds till it happened again, some lighting crashing down with it.

"Let's go. We gotta go. Come on." Thomas ushered everyone.

We all obeyed, grabbing our bags before sprinting towards the lights ahead of us. The lightning was getting closer, making us jump whenever it touched.




We all shouted different things as we continued running towards the lights. We were only now a couple feet away from the building.

"Get inside! Go!" Thomas shouted.

As we were close to the doors, I heard Thomas cry out.


I snapped my head to them, seeing both boys on the ground, but Minho wasn't moving. Smoke lit off of him. He was struck by lightning.

"Minho!" I screamed, about to run towards him, but a hand grabbed my arm, pulling me away from my best friend and brother.

I watched from the doors as Newt and Aris ran back to Thomas and Minho, the two boys picking up Minho, dragging him along while Thomas ran beside them. Finally, they made it inside, making Frypan close the door after them.

Aris and Newt set Minho down before we all crowded the Asian boy, shaking him, trying to get him to wake up. Just then, a groan escaped his mouth, making us all sigh in relief.

"What happened?" His raspy voice spoke.

"I think you got struck by lightning." I informed.

"Oh." He acknowledged, making us chuckle by his reaction.

Thomas and I helped him to his feet as Teresa walked towards the darkness around us a little.

"What's that smell?" She asked.

Suddenly, a Crank came out from the darkness, lunging itself at her, while we pulled her back towards us. The Crank continued trying to lung at us, but we saw it was chained up. We now stood in the middle, Cranks al around us.

"I see you've met our guard dogs." A girls voice spoke up.

We all looked to where the source came from, seeing a girl who looked about our age with short hair, walking towards us. She didn't seem affected by the Cranks that were now trying to get to her.

"You guys look like shit." She commented. 

Honestly, I agree with her. I could feel that my hair was a mess. Our skin was still a little burnt from the sun.

"Come on. Follow me." She started walking back to where she came, though we didn't follow her. She seemed to notice and looked back at us. "Unless you want to stay here with them."


We followed the girl through the building.

"Come on, keep up. Jorge wants to meet you." She said.

"Who's Jorge?" Thomas and I asked in unison, making us glance at each with raised brows.

She chuckled slightly at that, "You'll see. No one's come out of the Scorch in a long time. You've just got him curious." She looked back at us, meeting my e/c eyes straight away. She smirked, "And me, too."

In the corner of my eye, I saw Teresa tense up from beside me while she seemed to eye or... glare? at the girl.

We continued following her as men started following us, smirking at us.

"Anyone else starting to get a bad feeling about this place?" Newt questioned, glancing at the men behind us.

"Let's just hear him out. See what he has to say." Thomas assured as we walked up some stairs.

"Jorge, they're here." The girl informed.

He shushed her, continuing to do something with the radio in his hands. Finally, he turned to us, hands on his hips.

"Do you ever get the feeling the whole world's against you?"


"Three questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?" We didn't say anything. He glanced between our group. "Don't all answer at once."

"We're headed for the mountains. Looking for the Right Arm." Thomas spoke up.

 The men behind us laughed and chuckled.

Jorge smirked, "You're looking for ghosts, you mean." He corrected my brother. "Question number two. Where did you come from?"

I saw Minho and Thomas glance at each other, before Thomas looked at me as Minho spoke, "That's our business."

Jorge rose a brow, shrugging before Thomas, Minho, and I were all grabbed, leaning forward. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Get off her!" Thomas shouted.

"Get off me!" I shouted along.

"Shut up, you big baby." It was the girl.

She pushed my head down as I heard a beeping noise.

"What is that?" I asked but got no answer.

She finally let go of my neck as the men let Thomas, Minho, and I go. Thomas instantly pulled me to his side as Minho stood closer to me.

"You were right." She told Jorge.

Jorge put on some glasses, taking the device from the girls hand, looking at it.

"Right about what? What is she talking about?" Thomas questioned.

Jorge chuckled, taking his glasses off before looking right at me, "I'm sorry, hermano. Looks like you're tagged. You came from Wicked." He handed the device back to the girl as she looked right at me, as well. "Which means... you're very valuable."

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