Chapter 5: Cranks

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

We were running through the sandstorm. Teresa kept a grip on my hand. I didn't know what was going on, but Thomas was freaking out, saying we had to go. I could hear people yelling behind us, searching for us. I felt Teresa tugged on my arm, making me look at her, seeing she was pointing at a broken window that probably led to some shelter.

She started running towards it, pulling me along. I turned back to the boys shouting, "Over here!"

"Come on!" Teresa called back, too.

"Y/n, Teresa, wait!"

"No, don't go in there!"

They all kept shouting for us, but we didn't listen, sliding through the window, sliding down the sandhill. I looked back up at the window, seeing they followed us through. Once everyone was down, Thomas started freaking out again.

"We gotta go." He said.

"No. Thomas, stop!" I tried.

"We gotta keep moving." He ignored.

"Thomas!" He finally looked at me. "Tell us what's going on." I gestured to Teresa and I, who still had no clue what was going on.

He didn't look at Teresa, just me, "It's Wicked." My eyes widen. "It's Wicked. They lied to us. We never escaped. Me and Aris, we found bodies. Too many to count."

"What do you mean?" Minho asked.

"Dead bodies?" I asked next.

"No, but they weren't alive either. They had them strung up. With tubes coming out of them. They were being drained. There's something inside of us that Wicked wants. Something in our blood. So we have to get as far away from them as possible." My brother explained.

I saw Teresa rub her neck uncomfortably in the corner of my eye.

Is she okay?

"Okay. So, what's the plan?" Newt spoke up, looking at Thomas.

All he got was silence as Thomas looked down.

"You do have a plan, right?" Newt asked again.

"Yeah. I don't know." Thomas admitted.

I could see that made Newt angry, "Well, we followed you out here, Thomas... and now you're saying that you have no idea where we're going... or what we're doing."

"Wait." The boy, Aris spoke up. "Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance or army."

"The Right Arm." Thomas nodded. "The Right Arm. If they're really against Wicked, maybe they can help us."

Newt still didn't look pleased with that, "People. In the mountains. Mountain people. That's your plan?"

"It's the only chance we have." Thomas reminded.

"Hey, guys. Check this out." Winston called from up ahead. We all walked towards him as he was crouching down, looking at the sand. "Minho, give me a light!"

The ex runner obeyed, shining his flashlight at the sand, revealing footsteps leading somewhere.

"Someone's been down here."


We followed the footsteps, stopping at a door. Minho and Thomas lifted it up, revealing a room. Looked like it used to be a store or something.

I started looking around, Teresa following. She hasn't left my side since. Not that I mind.

"Let's pack some of this stuff up." Thomas spoke up. "Anything you think you might need. We'll split up, see what else we can find. Meet back here."

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