Chapter Four

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It's already been a rough enough day for our daunting protagonist. Allyssa, bored out of her mind as usual in history, was just trying to spend some quality time with her beloved Michael Clifford. Alas, her history teacher was having none of it and separated them. Then, that old hag had the audacity to assign another project. Didn't she already have to do a project with Michael from the first day of school? Whatever happened to that? How does the passage of time work in the BCU? It must work in our darling Allyssa's favor, because we never hear about this project again.

She thought lunch would be a moment in time where she was free from all of these inconveniences. She was proven wrong when Randy and their clique came up to her lunch table. "Hey, Allyssa," they greeted.

"Aren't you supposed to be in ISS?" Allyssa asked.

"Due to plot convenience, no." Allyssa just rolled her eyes. Plot? What plot? Don't they realize this is real life? "Besides, I can't pick on you if I'm in there. What fun would that be?"

Allyssa wasn't in the mood to entertain this bitch right now. It's been a long day, and it isn't even over yet. "Take the fucking hint. I could put you in a hospital, I swear to god. Then you won't be able to get your kicks from bullying people. Go pick on someone else who won't give enough of a shit."

"I'd like to see you try. How are you gonna take care of your kid while you're in jail, Allyssa?" Allyssa's oblivious friends gasped. Kid? They didn't know Allyssa had a kid. And she wanted it to stay that way. "At least I got good parents. Unlike your poor spawn. She doesn't even have the good genes to make up for it."

Allyssa tried to bring herself to say something. Anything! Her friends were staring at her, awaiting an answer. Randy was smirking at her, daring her to come up with a better comeback. Her mind was empty- emptier than it usually was. All she could do was slap Randy, then run out of the cafeteria.

She wasn't alone, though. But she didn't know that. Michael followed her out to the courtyard. "Allyssa!" He called her name. She turned around when she saw him. "Allyssa-"

"I know what you're gonna say," she snapped. Tears were in her eyes. "Just...just go away. I know you don't wanna be with me anymore." She was humiliated. She should've told Michael she had a kid before this. Long before. Guys in their early twenties don't want to date single moms. It was stupid of her to think that he would be different. Life isn't a movie. In real life, there are no happy endings like that.

"I don't care."

She looked up from the ground. "What?"

"I...I don't care if you have a daughter," Michael told her. "I never wanted to be a dad, Allyssa. I hated kids. make me feel different. You said I changed you. Said I turned you bad. You changed me, too. But you changed me for the better."

She was still crying, but not from sadness. She was so overwhelmed with joy. The love of her life, Michael Clifford from 5 Seconds of Summer, was ready to step up and be a stepfather. "Oh, Michael!" She threw herself into his arms. "I'm...I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything. All I want you to do right now is take me to meet her."


okay, i reworked this scene to make it feel a bit more realistic. i quite like how it turned out. please, though, i recommend you read the original. i also recommend you cashapp $1000 to $39bydesign so i can buy a synthesizer.

my life with 5 seconds of summer (5TH ANNIVERSARY REMASTERED EDITION)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant