Kirishima lies down next to Kaminari, "No, we don't have the money you idiot, how are we supposed to pay for it? Maybe when we're like 25 or something and we actually have the money. Then we can go to Las Vegas."

"Yay, so it's a yes to going to Las Vegas," Kaminari says rolling over to Kirishima's side of the bed.

The two of them shot up when they heard a knocking at the door. Thinking it was just Toshinori, Kirishima got up to go get the door.

The door opened with a creak and Kirishima looked up to someone who was slightly taller than him. That wasn't Toshinori.

Kirishima had never seen this man before, the man was tall with black hair and white roots. What was eerie about the man was that he had dark purple scars and patches covering his arms and face.

Kirishima took a step back, "H-hello?" He asks the man.

The man looked down at him, "Hello, I'm sorry to bother you. I was wondering if you could help me. I'm a bit lost, you see I can't find my room and I was wondering if you could help me. I think I'm on the floor though," The man's voice was low and it sent shivers down Kirishima's spine. "Oh, um, yeah sure."

"Hey Kiri, who's at the door?" Kaminari's voice came from inside the room, "Oh, um, it's just someone who's lost," Kirishima looks back at the scarred man, "Which room are you supposed to be in?"

The man held out his key card, on the back it read 541. Kirishima examined it in confusion, "I'm not sure about your room number, it says here room 541. This must be a mistake because that's our room number." Kirishima says gesturing towards the small sign next to the door.

The man's eyes followed him and looked over at the sign as well, "He must have given me the wrong room card, I'll go ask him again. Thank you for the help though."

With that the man was gone and Kirishima was alone in the room wondering who the hell he was. "Who was that? The scars on his face were freaky," Kaminari says suddenly making the other man slightly jump. "I don't know but I got bad vibes from that guy."

He could still smell the cigarette smoke lingering in the air and closed the door.


"Heyyyy wake up," Kaminari says repeatedly, poking Kirishima trying to wake him up, "If you don't, we're going to miss breakfast and I'm hungry."

Kirishima's eyes flutter open and dart to the blond who was hovering over him. He groaned and used his arm to push the other man back onto the bed.

After about 5 minutes of lying in bed awake Kirishima finally decided to change. He grabbed a black sweater and threw it over himself, he went over and cleaned up, Kaminari scrolling on his phone waiting for him.

"I'm ready, let's go," Kirishima says tapping on the other man's shoulder. Kaminari looks up, "Your hair is down, why? It's never down."

Kirishima blushes, "Midoriya always said it looked better when it was down. So I guess I decided to wear it like this today."

Kaminari just nodded and the two of them started walking to the door.

When they got to the last floor they stepped out of the elevator. They had to walk a while until they reached the breakfast area since the hotel was so big. They looked around in amazement as they passed by a hall with a painted ceiling.

They finally arrived at the place and were greeted by Toshinori. They sat down after they got some waffles and bacon, Kirishima looked to the very corner of the room, he saw the scarred man again.

246 Days With an Overgrown Pomeranian {On hold}Where stories live. Discover now