Part 1

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Izuku Midoriya slowly opens his eyes, he had a pounding headache and he felt like he was going to throw up. What happened again? Oh yeah, Midoriya was just on a cruise ship with his best friend Kirishima when something happened. Kirishima brought Midoriya on a couples cruise ship. Why? You might ask, well Kirishima had recently been dumped by his girlfriend, Ashido, he had planned for the two of them to go but never planned on having her dump him a week before. Midoriya being the greatest friend in the world agreed to go with him so he wouldn't waste the tickets.

All he remembers was that the ship hit something, Midoriya and Kirishima were still in their cabins when it happened so he didn't know what hit it. Stuff in his cabin were spilling everywhere and Midoriya was holding onto the bed for dear life when something fell onto him knocking him out.

Midoriya slowly got up and looked around. This fucking sucks. He was on a deserted island, well that's what he assumes, he hopes there are other survivors that are on the island as well as him but so far he hasn't seen anything move. The most he was thinking about was Kirishima, he hopes that he survived and was okay. Broken pieces of the ship was scattered all around the sand and he could see that someone's luggage floating towards him in the water. A luggage, maybe there might be stuff that can be useful to him.

Midoriya quickly scrambles up and goes for the luggage. His hair was still pretty wet and his clothes where damp but still wet enough to be sticking onto his skin stubbornly. He walks into the water where the floating piece of plastic was. Swimming he grabs onto it and holds on. The luggage was light enough for Midoriya to float on top of so he faces towards the shore again and starts kicking.

As soon as Midoriya reached the shore he started tearing the luggage open. Even though the luggage was plastic, water still managed to get inside. Midoriya almost died when, just his luck, he had ended up with a bag with panties and bras, there was also a couple shirts and these really short shorts. There was a makeup bag and small toiletries bag which contains a razor, a small shampoo bottle, and a pair of scissors. And then at the bottom was a light blue beach towel that will probably be useful for later. Oh yeah and there was a bag of tampons.

Midoriya was pretty small for his age so when he saw that one of the shirts at the top was still dry he stripped off the shirt he was already wearing and slid the other shirt on. The shirt wasn't small but it was still a bit tight for his liking, it clung onto his abs a little too much. The shirt was bright pink and in big letters said 'Me and My Bitches' and had a couple dogs on the front. Midoriya didn't care enough to be embarrassed by it, usually he would never go near, let alone wear a shirt like this one but here he was. Midoriya laid the rest of the damp clothes on the shore to dry in the sun.

So there he was, sitting there in a bright pink shirt and boxers in the sand waiting for other survivors and more luggages to take from. He sat there for a good 3 hours before he decided to walk around the island to look for stuff that he could use. He prayed that this isn't like the movies and there weren't monsters on the island that like eating people with green hair. The thought of dying on this island alone made Midoriya shiver, he didn't even get to tell Kirishima that he still owes him twenty dollars from a bet they made at the beginning of the school year. Midoriya sighed, he knew that he was probably going to die on the island, he was a city boy, he had no clue how to survive in the wild by himself.

He was going to die knowing the last time he had sex was in a public bathroom at his university with some dude with split dyed hair who he ditched when he found out the he already had a girlfriend.

Midoriya walked half way around the island and soon realized how big the place was. He prays that maybe a plane or ship flies or sails near so he could leave. The place gave him a weird vibe and really didn't want to know what was inside the forest. It was starting to get dark so he decided to start walking back to where the clothes and the towel was. He could hear the waves crashing against the shore, Midoriya wasn't use to the sound.

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