Part 6

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Ejirou Kirishima slowly opened his eyes and immediately noticed the white lights shining in his eyes. What happened again? Oh yeah, he and Izuku were on a cruise but they ended up hitting something. He remembered seeing Izuku getting hit by a lamp and watching him fall limp, soon afterwards he ended up getting hit by something as well. After that everything was blank. Kirishima rubs his head as he tries to sit up but realizes that one of his arms was in a cast. A nurse with dark brown hair walks into the room and notices that he was awake. 

She yells, “He's awake!” At one of the doctors and hurries to his side to make sure he is ok but left afterwards to get the doctor who didnt hear her. Kirishima looks to the chair next to him to see Mina, she was sleeping on the chair next to him leaning to the side so that her pink hair draped over her eyes. Kirishima was slightly confused as to why his ex-girlfriend would be there right now, didn't she tell him that she didn't want anything to do with him? After accusing him of cheating on her when he had not done such things. He feels the bandages on his head and groans. Then he remembered Izuku. He had seen him get pretty hard and he hopes that he's ok. He's probably at home right now waiting for him to wait for him on the couch. Kirishima slightly frowns at himself at the thought of Izuku on the couch sipping soda all alone waiting for Kirishima. The nurse came back with the doctor and she proceeded to ask him questions, “Do you remember what happened?”

“Yeah, I was on a cruise and something happened,” Kirishima replies. 

“Yes, the ship you were on collided with another ship and punctured a hole in your ship causing it to sink,” the doctor explains. "It was in the middle of the night and the other ships lights broke."

“Did anyone die?” Kirishima asks.

“There were a few tragedies and some more who are missing. Most of the passengers got off the ship safely, someone had seen them floating in the water when they grabbed you," she says, “You were in a coma for about 2 and a half weeks, you had a severe concussion and you had broken your arm and ankle.” 

Kirishima's face drained of color, he had just now processed what she had said. ‘A broken ankle and arm?’ He thought. That means he wouldn't be able to play basketball! He had gotten a scholarship on basketball and now he can't play! A million thoughts went through his head from whether Izuku was alright and what he was going to do when he goes back to school. While these thoughts were going through he had completely forgotten Mina who was now stirring in her sleep. When she finally opened her eyes and saw Kirishima awake and sitting up she started crying and threw herself on him.  

"Kiri?" She asks through sniffles. 

"Yeah, I'm here," he reassures her while she cries in her hands. 

"I thought you were never going to wake up. I was so worried about you!" Mina cries, grabbing the tissue box on the table next to her and loudly blows her nose into it. At the moment Kirishima really didn't know what to do, she was the one who screamed while she broke his heart and left him. Now she was here acting as if she actually cared, like she didn't say all those hurtful things to him that day. 

"I'm fine now but where is Izuku?" Kirishima asks her. 

"Um…" She didn't seem to want to answer the question.

"Please don't tell me that he's dead," Kirishima says, feeling tears well up in his eyes. No he couldn't lose his best friend, he wouldn't know how to go on without him. 

"Well not exactly."

"What do you mean 'not exactly?'" He asks. 

"They didn't find his body," Mina says. 

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