11. The End

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The Hawks were ahead 3-1. It was me, Guy, Jesse, Fulton, and Charlie out on the ice. I got the faceoff while Jesse and Guy took out the big goons. I passed it to Fulton and watched as he winded up and shot the puck. Everybody jumped out of the way including me. He hit the puck so hard that it even pushed the goalie inside the goal. Thank god for Fulton because he got us to two points.

They were taking us out left and right. Unfortunately, Blake got the Hawks a backhanded goal. They can always get those because Goldberg doesn't know how to block them but I don't blame him being the goalie is hard. Now they were ahead of us by two-points, 4-2.

We moved into the third period with a great play. Coach hasn't decided to take me out yet since I've been doing great. Right now I am 'helping' Tammy up towards the Hawks goal but we really have a trick up our sleeves. Tommy had the puck and was moving around with it. Tammy had begun to do her turns and he passed it to me. "Now!" I shouted. She stopped and I passed her the puck. She scored us our third goal. As I was skating back towards the bench McGill came and shoved me down as he was going to his bench. I watched Fulton walk out and go up to McGill. He flipped him over the boards and started to argue with the other Hawks. The ref took him out of the game and I thanked Fulton as they skated by.

I stood with Charlie and coach as we watched the flying V take on the Hawks. Jesse got us the tie 4-4. I was on the ice and passed the puck to Charlie. I watched him skate as fast as he could towards the goal. Though right as he was about to make the goal and Hawk hooked his arm causing him to fall. The time sadly ran out. The ref skated up to coach and told him that we had a penalty shot and anybody could take it. This could make or break us.

"All right, Ducks, who's gonna take it?" asked coach. "I think Guy should take it." Connie said quickly. "Me, no, I think Brie should take it." argued Guy. I didn't really think that I should take the shot. I mean I have made one goal today. "How about Charlie?" I said smiling. "Yeah sure what about Charlie?" asked coach , happy with my answer. The others argued. I was sure most of them were just jealous that Charlie was coach's favorite and they didn't think he deserved to get it. "Let's let him finish what he started." exclaimed coach. "Coach, we have a chance to win." backfired Charlie. "Damn straight we do." said coach as he pulled him away from the group. They began to whisper and we all just went back to whatever we were doing before. I turned to look at the Hawks. Some of them were nervous and others didn't even care.

We all cheered for Charlie as he got his stuff and made his way to the center. He turned to look at us before getting prepared. Coach nodded his head and I gave him a thumbs up. "Let's go Spazzway!" I shouted to him. The others began to chant his name Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. I listened to everybody encourage him as he circled the puck 3 times. 3.....2......1 Triple Deke! Charlie did it. He scored for our team! We won 5-4! I was already hugging him before anybody else could even get on the ice. "Spazzway you did it!" I whisper shouted into his ear. He squeezed me tighter. I pulled away and looked at the Hawks. They were all upset. Some of them were even crying.

The fans came and joined us on the ice. Everybody eventually gave me hug. When Han's came up to me he gave me the best news ever. "Brie you know watching you play out there made me think. When I would watch your dad play he did the exact same things out there that you did. I believe you play just identical to your father." he said pulling me into a hug. Wow I play just like my dad. I can't believe it, I play just like my dad!

|Time Skip....the bus stop|

We all stood out there in line waiting to say our final goodbyes to coach for the season. And no he did not have a heart attack like our last coach. Coach Bombay was offered a tryout for the minor leagues by Basil McRae. He gave him a call and they got it all settled. Now we say goodbye till next season.

Adam has finally recovered from his concussion so he was there too. We were all there to wish him a farewell. I stood towards the end of the line with Charlie. "Anything else?" asked coach as he got to the end of the line. "Yeah. Have fun out there, coach." said Charlie. They hugged. "I must be crazy. A tryout with the minors. I'm gonna be goin' up against kids half my age." said coach. "Well not going to lie you are quite crazy but uh, remember us and things you taught us. It will help you get through it." I said. He chuckled at my response. "Just have a good tryout, Gordon. One step at a time." said Ms.Conway nodding at coach Bombay. "Yeah, you're right." he finished off by kissing Ms.Conway. Charlie's mouth fell wide open. "Look Spazzway your mom's kissin' coach." I said nudging him. "No crap." he said playfully, shoving me. I put my hands up in surrender. "Banks is first in line next." shouted Averman from behind me. What does that mean? He wants to kiss Ms.Conway!Coach got on the bus and the doors closed. We were all ready to walk away when they opened again and coach peeked his head out.

"Hey, Ducks! No matter what happens, we'll see you next season.We got a title to defend." he said and he was gone until next season.  

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