7. Bullies...

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I wasn't feeling myself today since I lost the only thing good that was happening in my life right now. While I was walking to science I saw my other teammates walking into the classroom. Charlie was next to me. I wasn't ready to face them yet so I made up an excuse. "Hey, Charlie you can go on without me. I forgot my pencil case in my locker." I said turning back towards my locker before he could offer me a pencil. As I was walking to my locker somebody shoved me backward. I landed on my back. My head bounced off the ground causing shooting pain. "What the hell?!" I groaned pushing myself up off the cold floor. I made eye contact with Nancy. She stood before me with her posse. I rolled my eyes. "Aw look Brie is annoyed," she said. "What do you want?"I asked. "Ew, look at her clothes there so.....boy like," said Jane. " And her shoes are super dirty. Doesn't she look like a boy?" asked Sally. "Yeah she does and she plays hockey like a boy. What boy would want a girl that acts just like a boy? Zero boys. She's an ugly little nerd. She's got acne and braces. You would be better off as a boy." finished Nancy. I didn't really care what she had to say about me. At least I didn't act like her and date McGill. I got up. "Look you guys are jealous I get it. You wish you got to be able to hang out with boys like me and actually have friends." I replied. "Ha, you think we ever want to be like you. Boys like us better," said Jane. "I know that everyone is allowed to act stupid once in a while, but you're really abusing that privilege." I ended the conversation and ran to my science class just in time. The bell rang just as I took my seat.

|Time Skip....During science class|

"That's right. The red is oxygen. Now, what are the blue balls?" said Mr.Smith. Everyone began to giggle. During the commotion, I was handed a note from Goldberg. 'Hey, traitor, how's coach loser? Oh, wait didn't he quit on you guys? that must suck. From, the team.' I threw the note at the back of his head just as Tommy answered Mr.Smith's question. "Hydrogen?" "That is correct. Now put them together, and you have a molecule that makes up 96% of your body. What is it?" Mr. Smith asked again. "Pizza?" joked Tommy. Everyone began to laugh again except Charlie and me. There was knocking at the classroom door. "It's the principal. I'll be right back. Work on H2 CO3. It's a goody." Mr.Smith said walking out of the classroom.

"How'd the forfeit go, Spazzway?" asked Karp. "Yeah, did you score?" asked Peter. Charlie tried to be civilized and said "Leave me alone, guys. I don't want to talk about the team." "Oh, yeah, sure. Coach's pet. Everybody knows he likes you best." Peter said back. "Likes his mom, you mean," added Karp. I never saw this side of Charlie. He got put and shoved his desk getting in Karp's face. "Take it back, Karp! Take it back now!" he said grabbing him by the shoulders. "Leave him alone," I said getting in between the two shoving Karp back. Peter shoved me back lightly. "You have no right shoving Karp. We all know you only like coach because he's like your dad. Well guess what, your dad's dead and coach is a loser." he said shoving me. I showed him back and Connie came to my rescue this time. Once that happened a fight broke out between all of us. The molecule demonstrations were being thrown all over the place and chairs were being shoved all over the place. Mr. Smith and the Principal must've heard our commotion and came in yelling for us to sit down. I sat down in my seat while everybody else pulled their stuff together. "I have never in my life....What have you got to say for yourselves?" asked the principal. I looked at her dead in the eyes and said "Quack." Then my teammates around me began quack as well. We ended up with detention.

Our punishment was to write I will not quack at the principal 50 times. I stood in between Fulton and Peter. "How is your cursive so neat and good?" asked Fulton. I giggled at his question. "Honestly I don't know how it is." Once I was finished writing it for the tenth time the classroom door opened. In walked coach Bombay. "What do you want?" asked Karp in disgust. My head began to hurt again. "I want to talk to you guys," replied Bombay. Tammy corrected him to call us people. I don't know why but she was so annoying to me. "Sit down, please. All of you." nobody sat down. "Okay, don't sit down. Look, what's done is done. I want to be your coach again." he said. A little part of me jumped inside. "You want to coach a bunch of losers?" asked Averman. "No, I want to coach the Ducks." "What about all those things you said? You said we didn't deserve to live," asked Karp. "Karp, I was being sarcastic. Do you know what that means?" he asked Karp. Karp sarcastically said no. "Okay, then you do. I didn't mean those things the way I said them. You guys know what it's like to be misunderstood, right?" he asked us. "Yeah, of course. We're kids." spoke up Peter. "So..Can you forgive me? Can I be your coach again?" he asked desperately. "What about Banks?" asked Guy. "He can be on the team if he wants. He should have been with us all year. It's you guys who were cheated. But let's forget all that crap! We're a team, right?" he asked us once again. We replied with a yeah. "I made you guys, and I'm sticking with you. So, what's it gonna be? We can play tomorrow night and still have a shot at play-offs or we can forfeit again and the season's over. Peter, what do you say?" he said turning towards us. "Well...I guess it would help if we practiced first," he replied. For that, I gave him a hug. When I pulled away I could tell he was blushing. "All right. Let me see if I can get you out of detention."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤~𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora