Chicken Wings

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We all changed into our shoes and walked out of the school together. "I better get going." Nejire said giving me a quick hug before taking off. She's so pretty! I thought as I watched her fly away.

Tamaki, Mirio and I walked together to the train station. Mirio held my hand as we talked.

"How far is it to your place by train?" Mirio asked eyebrows furrowed.

"It's about 30 minutes." I said.

"You should take her home Tamaki." Mirio said. "I would do it myself but I have work study tonight."

Tamaki nodded.

"Ok good." Mirio said as he let go of my hand. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead before jogging off towards his train.

I texted Keigo.

Me: 'I'm coming home by train. Is it ok if I have company over?"

Keigo: 'ya that's fine. I'm still at work. Won't be home until really late save me some food.'

"What do you want to eat tonight?" I asked Tamaki as we got on the train.

"I'm staying for dinner?" Tamaki asked grabbing one of the few free hand holds and wrapping his other arm around me to keep me steady, but still blushing as he did so.

"Only if you want to." I said sheepishly.

"Sure." He replied. "Do you know how to make ramen? Unless that's too much trouble. Sorry, I should ask for so-"

I kissed him cutting him off as he rambled. "Ramen is fine." I said. "What kind?"

"Whatever is your favorite kind." He blushed.

"Okay," I smiled. "Cheese ramen then?"

Tamaki nodded.

I held his hand as we walked to the market to pick up some ingredients. He carried the bag as we walked to Keigo's apartment. Tamaki and I worked in the kitchen together. He knew what he was doing. I walked over to the cupboard that held the pasta and realized I couldn't reach it. I placed my hands on the counter and pushed up before shifting my weight to one hand and stretching the other as far as I could. Tamaki walked up behind me effectively pinning me to the counter by my hips, and got the container down for me.

"You could have just asked." He said.

"I am a strong independent woman." I said. "But, thank you for getting it for me."

We sat down to eat at the bar, and let Keigo's serving cool on the counter.

"So why is cheese ramen your favorite?" Tamaki asked as I slurped up noodles and strings of cheese.

"I just really like cheese." I responded. "But my favorite food is strawberries. What's your favorite food?"

"Ummmm probably squid ink soup." He replied and I laughed. "Why is that so funny?"

"It just sounds like something an old man would like." I teased.

"Hey!" He said blushing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I giggled. "It's just really cute." I kissed him on the cheek as I got up grabbing our empty bowls. I covered Keigo's food and put it in the fridge before going to do the dishes. He rinsed them and set them to dry.

"Thank you for helping." I said. "Come with me. I want to change out of these clothes."

"Um b-but." He stammered out.

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