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I got home later than I usually would. The apartment was dark, so I assumed that keigo was asleep already. I hung up my bag and put away my shoes.

"I'm glad to see that you are alive." Keigo called from the dark living room.

"Sorry. I forgot to text." I apologized. "Why are you sitting in the dark?"

"I'm sulking." He snapped. "You don't just forget about stuff like that. What's going on?"

"Why are you sulking?" I asked deflecting.

"I got dumped. Stop avoiding the question." He said coming closer to me. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I just forgot." I insisted. He flipped on the light making me squeeze my eyes shut and I heard him come closer, so I took a step back.

"Your clothes and hair are a mess." He asked not buying it. "Why are you stepping away from me? What happened that you don't want me to know about?"

"For the last time, nothing happened." I snapped. "Would you just drop it?  I'm going to bed."

"No, I will not drop it." He said sternly. "Did someone hurt you?"

"No, big brother," I sighed feeling guilty about making him worry. "Nobody hurt me."

"Then what happened?" He said exasperated. "Why are you lying? You don't forget to check in. You don't hide things from me. You don't lie to me. This isn't like you. Talk to me!"

"I HAD SEX!" I yelled. "There are you happy?! I had sex with my friend and now I'm super confused, because I think I have feelings for all three of them, but I don't know if I actually like them or if they're just the first friends I've had outside of the program." I started to cry as I ranted and paced. "And now I had sex with Mirio and I don't want to mess up our friendship!" Keigo caught me in a hug as I walked back and forth.

"It's okay little bat. Shhhhh." He soothed. "It's okay. Was it consensual? Did you want to have sex with him?"

"Yes," I sobbed. "But now everything is so complicated."

"Sex will do that sometimes." He patted my hair as he spoke. "Did you use protection?"

"Yes." I sighed staring to feel better.

"Good, good." Keigo relaxed his grip on me cupping my face in his hands and looking me in the eye. "Tomorrow we are going to get you on birth control, whether it works out or not, I don't want any teen pregnancies.  As far as everything else, you will just have to talk to him about it."

I nodded, whipping my eyes.

"Oh, and if he hurts you, I will un-alive him." He half joked making me laugh.

"So you got dumped?" I asked.

"Yes," he ran his hands through his hair. " I really liked her but I think she thought I was just using her because of my reputation."

"Can you convince her otherwise?" I asked tilting my head.

"If I can find her." He sighed. "All I have to go off of is her hero name."

"You caught feelings for someone and don't even know her name?" I asked shocked.

"I know! I'm so dumb!" He yelled in frustration.

-time skip to Monday-

"I don't want to go to school today." I whined into the bear twice my size.

"You are the one who wanted to be a normal teen." Keigo said. "Normal teens have to go to school even when they are trying to avoid the person they boinked on a whim."

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