Chapter Sixty-Seven

Start from the beginning

I waited a second trying to work out what to say before a cheeky smile worked its way onto my face, "what do you love about me?"

"What?" He groaned out. I suppose it was late but due to my much-needed nap earlier today I was filled with energy. Throwing myself over his back, I peered my head around as he groaned trying to see his face, "you know you're as bad as a child on Christmas day sometimes," he groaned out.

"Why do you love me? What do you love about me?"

"I'd love if you went to bed..."

"Derek," I urged and he sighed before rolling around so that he could see my face. He sighed and was quiet for a moment as he thought it over. I really wanted to know the answer though and so I refused to let him sleep until I had an answer.

"Your heart." What? Frowning, I pulled my head back just enough so that I could see his face better, "I love that it's still beating and alive. But if you could tell that heart to slow down and go to sleep that would be wonderful," he joked and I lightly punched him in the shoulder.

"I can't sleep I have too much energy."

"Oh really? Well I can fix that," he mused and I hummed looking to him confused as he flipped us over quickly.

The heart pulsed in my hand and I knew it was ready to be ripped out,. He was ready to face death he could not have the power he thirsts for. "You wanna know what I think? I think you can't do it. I think you're weak."

Forcing my eyes to look up at his I found that humanity. That fear of death everyone has; he has it. "And do you want to know what I think? I think you're going to live a very long life alone. No one will love you, no one will ever care for you, no-one will even realise when you're gone, you'll be completely powerless..... no one ever told stories of the man who couldn't care."

Yanking my hand out; I allowed his heart to stay in its place before I slammed his head back against the wall knocking him out. Stepping back, his body fell down to the floor and whilst he wasn't dead...whilst he didn't get what he deserved I hoped it would be just as painful. He didn't deserve to feel nothing after everything he'd put us all through.

Staring down at his body I tried to imagine what it's like to be in the monstrous body such as his. It was so quiet now. It was over. Completely and utterly over. There was nothing left and...I'd almost killed someone. I'd almost tore someone's heart out. Bringing my hand up to my face the fresh blood that coated it made me sick. That was me. That was all me.

A loud familiar roar sounded from outside and a frown fell on my brows as I looked to the door. That wasn't possible. "Grace...?" That could have been Stiles' hesitant voice.


Turning away from Peter's unconscious body, I fled back to the door rushing through all the tunnels. "You were... you were dead." Kate's voice shouted through my mind and the next voice was something which I could only pray was real. That it wasn't in my head.

"No... I was evolving-- something you'll never do."

The sun was harsh as I got out of the temple and the body I saw brought so much relief. I was a little confused as to why he was naked but that's confusion for another day. Kate fled from both Derek and Chris and I ran over; leaping over bricks and walls and all things which stood in my way.

He turned to glance at me and he held his hands out as I reached him. Throwing my arms around his neck, I jumped in for a hug with a little more force than necessary since we fell to the floor into the sand and he grunted out but didn't complain. "Hey there," he muttered.

"I thought you were dead..." I muttered and I could vaguely feel him nod.

"I think I was for a second."

From the loneliness that was in my mind, he had definitely died for a few seconds. "Why are you naked...?"

"I'll explain later," he uttered, "are you going to let go anytime soon?"



It was all over.

Once more we'd come to the end of another fight and we were back in the loft. It had taken around half an hour to try and get all the blood off and now it was like it had never even happened. He'd gone back to reading and looked like the fight never happened. I was stood in the kitchen a plate of burnt toast in front of me, only slightly burnt, simply watching him. He was acting like he didn't die and he was never gone but the truth was he was gone. It was like going back to the beginning when everyone was dying and you weren't allowed the time to grieve.

I know he isn't dead and that he's sat in front of me now but that means nothing because I still felt that pain. It was the worse pain I had ever felt in my life.

When I lost my parents I hadn't really understood what was going on. All I knew was that whatever was happening I wasn't going to enjoy it. I'd been old enough to understand of course but I didn't truly understand the grief I'd go through the fear, the nightmares, the emptiness. With Derek, I felt it the moment that he shut his eyes.

Biting down on my lip, I tried to stop the tears which wanted to fall but it was getting hard to do so. Perhaps everything was just getting a little too much.

"What's wrong?" Derek's voice sounded and I shook my head wiping away the tears.

"It's nothing."

The sound of the book snapping shut filled the loft next. He was always so dramatic with those books. His scent got stronger than it already was as he walked over to me standing beside, "don't lie, what is it?"

Shaking my head, I looked away from him trying to find something else to focus on, "you died."

"But I'm here now; you know I'd never leave you like that," he urged.

"But you did leave," I cut in, "you died and you left and I couldn't feel you. You...I didn't even realise just how apart of me you really were and when you died and I couldn't feel you... I couldn't... I couldn't breathe and I don't...." I couldn't even think of the right words to say.

Turning away from him, I wiped the tears away trying to stop them from falling all together but it didn't seem to be working. "Hey," his voice urged, but I didn't want to look at him, "Grace look at me." I still didn't. He walked around so that he was in front of me but I didn't get time to see his face because within seconds we were in a hug and my face was smashed against his chest. "You know that I will never leave you. I never want to leave you.... you wouldn't be able to survive without me anyway. You can't even make toast," he teased and despite the situation and the weight which was on my heart I couldn't help but laugh.

"Can we go now?"


"You said we could leave when it's over. Well, it's can we go now?"

"Let's get out of here."

The Sicilian Defence [Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now