"I'll mostly miss our morning workouts and runs. We always has the best conversations." I said laughing as I thought back to some of them.

He laughed slightly also thinking about them, "listen I was pretty tired ok" he said laughing. I laughed too, "it was a good time." I said and he nodded.

I hugged him one more time and me and Eli got on his bike and drove away.



Today I was spending the day with Johnny, we both got up and had some breakfast before heading off to start our day.

It was about 12:30 when we finally left so we went to a store and bought a couple suitcases.

Once we got them we walked back out to my car and he drove us back to his apartment. "So what goes where again?" He asked for the 100th time.

"Clothes go in these two. And everything else goes in this one." I said and he nodded. We both folded my clothes and tucked them into the suitcase to fit as much as I could.

"Why do girls have so many damn clothes?" He whined. "This isn't even my normal clothes I had to go out and buy some because it's cold there." I said.

His eyes widened before rolling them, "you have more?" He asked, "yeah but that's staying here." I said and he nodded.

"Now that you finally let me have the spear bedroom I can put my clothes in there." I said.

"Well sorry your whole junior year you were at hawks house every night." He said. "You got me there." I said pointing at him.

He laughed and grabbed my phone and turned on music. A song by twisted sisters started playing and he lightly swayed his head to the music.

Then he started humming to it, I tapped my finger to the beat as I packed, but when the chorus hit he started belting it.

I looked at him shocked as his eyes closed and he sang the song, I laughed and began singing to. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Don't ruin my moment." He said and I nodded, he shut his eyes again and started singing once again. I slightly laughed and kept packing.


The day went on and we kept packing until at about 6:00 we finally finished. "Alright. Wanna go to golf and stuff?" He asked.

"Sure!" I said and he nodded. We both walked to my car and got in.


We got our ball and putt for mini golf and headed to the course. He was kicking my ass, "you know this isn't fair." I said.

He slightly laughed and looked at me, "why?" He asked confused. "You've been coming here since you were 18" I said.

"Ehh more like 15." He said and I nodded. "Even better." I laughed. "I've been coming here for 3 years you've been coming here for like 40?" I laughed.

He laughed and hit the putt again making a hole in one. "You let the girls win when you went on dates here right?" I asked.

"Only Ali." He said, "oh, how many girls did you bring here?" I asked. "Just Ali." He said and I looked down to the ball and hit it.

I made my first hole in one. I cheered and laughed, "hell yeah! I'm just too good!" I cheered.

Johnny rolled his eyes and moved to the next hole. We kept small talk, until we were done.


We went to the arcade and walked in. I immediately went to the air hockey table, "I know you lost to Ali at this." I said and he laughed, "oh yeah?" He said as he put quarters in.

"Yep. And I'm gonna beat you." I said. He laughed and grabbed the puck. "We will see about that." He said and he hit it at me.

The score was 1-1 with ten seconds left. He hit the puck at me and I caught it, as the time ran out I shot.



I cheered up and down as I had finally beat him. "I let you win," he said in defeat. I rolled my eyes, "bullshit!" I said and he rolled his eyes,

We kept playing different games earning as much tickets as we could. It was getting late and I had to leave early tomorrow so we decided to exchange the tickets.

I won a green stuffed dinosaur, it was a pretty decent side but small enough to fit in my suitcase to bring it.

We drove back home and I immediately went to bed. As I laid in bed there was a knock. "Come in." I said.

Johnny stood in the door and looked at me, "thanks kid." He said, I looked at him weirdly. "Thanks for staying with me, your a great kid and I'm lucky to have you." He said.

"Your welcome." I said. He went to walk out. "Hey dad" I said. He popped his head back into my doorway. "I love you." I said and he nodded. "Er uh..I love you too, kiddo." He said awkwardly and shut my door.

I slightly laughed and laid down, as I fell asleep all I could think about was college, and how I got in..

Question: who do you you admire and why-

"Some one I admire,

I admire my dad, just 3 years ago he found out I existed and changed his ways for me, he opened his home up to me, he taught me a lot of valuable lessons and helped me change into the person I am today. Before I moved to California I was a trouble maker, if I'm being honest. I didn't behave and I was a bad person. When I met Johnny I was a lot like he was when he was younger, broken family, felt out of place, and wasn't happy, even when I first met him he was in a bad place and again so was I but with each other's help we connected and brought the good out of each other. it's crazy how with a simple move and the people you meet can change you completely, which brings me to the next person I admire, Eli Moskowitz. He is the bravest person I know. He cared for me when no one else did, he loved me despite everything I had done, Eli changed me. He made me wanna be a good person. He made me complete, I admire him for his tenacity. He went from being bullied to moving passed that and fighting back against the bully, he was so brave and from that say on my perspective changed on him. That's when I truly admired him. I knew how hard it was to face him and despite the fear he felt he did it. When I first moved to California I didn't fit in, I was an outcast, and Eli and my greatest friend Miguel helped me feel wanted. They led me to meet me dad, Johnny and Eli despite the mistakes they made are the most genuinely amazing people I've ever met, just in those three years of knowing them I've grown to admire them in a completely different way...those two men made me who I am, they saved me. They are the reason I'm writing this, trying to be something, I want to succeed so they can be proud of me the same way I am of them.
-Harper Lawrence-"



𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now