Lance filled them in on everything he had seen and experienced in Oriande, skipping over the odd details of the trials. He explained what he had gathered about Haggar and his new found ability to use alchemy.

Sayr nodded slowly, "And this ship, it has the same capabilities as the Castle of Lions?"

"It has a very similar layout and design. I don't know about it's capabilities yet."

The rebel on the screen smiled, "Thank you for your findings. I will arrange for a crew to be dispatched to your position to prepare the ship to join the fleet." He then addressed the whole of the group, "The four of you will remain here as a part of this crew. Lance." The former Paladin looked up, "I have a new objective for you. I will send a set of scientists to assist you with researching alchemy." He smiled at him a little, "You will oversee all matters relating to alchemy in the rebellion as our first Chief Alchemist."

Lance beamed at him, bowing with one hand on his chest, "Yes, sir. Thank you."

Sayr looked off to the side, checking something and then returning to their call, "The crew has departed, they'll arrive within about thirteen vargas. You have your assignments," He nodded to the others, "You're dismissed."

The call ended and Matt waited a moment to huff, "One more rank."

Vierna laughed, "You'll get there one day." 

Lance raised his eyebrows questioningly. It was Matt that answered, "You need a Iesh rank to command any ship. I'm one too low."

Lance breathed a laugh, rolling his eyes a little, "Vierna's right, you'll get there." He took Matt's hand, swinging it between them. 

"We're gonna head in." Matt waved to the other two rebels, biting off a yawn. Lance followed him quietly, "So.. Nice promotion."

Lance's grin found its way back onto his face, "Yeah, that was.. I'm still buzzing."

They found their way back to Lance room. Matt chose the room next to Lance's but they lingered outside Lance's door.

Lance caved first, "Wanna.. stay with me for the night?"

Matt nodded, following him inside. They sunk into their normal routine easily. Lance preferred to shower in the morning while Matt preferred to do it in the night so Matt slipped into a shower as Lance began the skin routine he had already started to reassemble. He rinsed his face off just as Matt began pulling on his clothes. Lance had changed already which left him free to clamber into bed with him.

Lance wound his way through the bustling crowds, trying to worm his way other to the lab that had been assigned to him. When he said lab, he meant a basic science lab, a whole hangar, the lab with the sincline ship and the off limits section with the rift creature. It was honestly more space than he knew what to do with.

He and Matt had been split up for their duties. Matt was supposed to be overseeing the recon teams in the crew and organising the security. His rank was high enough to put him in charge of all recon operations being conducted on the ships. He had parted from Lance as soon as they'd arrived to help them with setting up all their equipment, rooms and even begin writing up their shifts. 

Lance had to overlook everything relating to alchemy which on at first sounded like a lot but, in reality, he only had a handful of people working under him and all assignments would be set by him at his own pace.

He met the two scientists working for him in the base. They both looked up instantly to greet him, silencing their conversation. 

"Hi, I'm Lance-"

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