The very beginning

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William Sherlock Scott Holmes was born on the 6th of January, 1975.

Mycroft Holmes tugged longingly at his mother's sleeve, who clutched the gurgling baby tightly in her arms; this was her baby. She couldn't believe it! Her second child - her second,  beautiful child. Staring adoringly into the ice blue eyes, she imagined Mycroft and this child playing blissfully in the sun; she imagined the moments they would cherish, the laughs they would share. She also imagined the scale of intelligence this baby would have. Mycroft -frighteningly enough- had already had to skip 3 grades, and , although this often made her gleam with pride and joy, the rapid growth of his mind scared her. She only hoped this baby would not try and compete with Mycroft so harshly.

'Mother, why is he not talking? Is he too slow top do so?' Mycroft jeered, boring eyes into his little brother's body.

'Angels are with him, Mike. He does not need to speak when the angels are resting with him.'

'Mycroft is the name you gave me, please do try and reach the end of my name. ' Mycroft retorted, analysing the baby, resting in his mother's arms. He didn't know if he felt anger, love, or jealousy, burning rawly in his heart; he hated it when he didn't know things. 

'Shh... The Angels are protecting him.' Mother -Laurance- gestured at the peaceful baby. His resting eyes were sealed loosely, and his brows were slightly slanted at an angle; he appeared peaceful, yet also confused. A sort of thoughtful expression was blessed upon the baby - their baby.

'William.' Laurance murmured softly, fixing her eyes into her soon-to-be-named baby.

'William Sherlock Scott Holmes. That is his name.'

She smiled adoringly,  and grinned at her family. She gazed at the baby, at William. He was theirs. Forever.

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