Chapter 9 - Poisonous Snakes

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The next day, my phone goes off while I'm in the bath and I scramble out to get it. Disappointment surges through me as soon as I see Juniper's name flashing on the screen. It happened every time my phone lighted up and someone's name appeared on the screen. It's never a call from the Nephilim who plagues my mind and fills me with such yearning.

This is the second time Juniper called me since her "date" with the man who bid for her. The man was old enough to be her father, but as I said before, Juniper is a half-demon of lust, so that doesn't faze her. She's insatiable. Juniper wasn't impressed with the man though she appreciates the money. She said she's had better. Ouch! I take it, the man couldn't keep up with her.

"What is wrong with you?" That's the greeting that I get as soon as I answer her call.

"Hello, Juni. Good evening to you too. I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you?" I say sarcastically, slipping on a robe and tying it around my waist.

"Why did you say you're not going to Charles Fitzgerald's party?" she demands to know, ignoring my sarcasm. "And he invited you to the party himself!"

Charles Fitzgerald is our schoolmate who is having a party on the boat this weekend. By "boat" he meant his father's 85 m yacht. He invited me weeks ago. I even got the invitation extended to Juniper as well since she's my closest friend.

I told Charles that "I might show up if he promised not to be good". Back then, I was so sure that I was going to go to the party.

But back then, I haven't met Sacha Gauthier yet.

Now I don't feel like partying and when Charles called this morning, I told him I wasn't going. I was busy searching for Sacha's home address in Seattle.

"I just don't feel like going," I tell her, throwing myself on the bed.

"You don't feel like going? Are you kidding me?" she's shrieking on the phone. I wince as I pull the phone away from my ear. "It's going to be fun and wild. It's your kind of party!" she continues. But I have no desire for any kind of party. The feelings that I had when I was in Sacha Gauthier's presence eclipsed the feelings of being in any crazy parties I've had ever attended.

"Wait! Are you still pining over the Nephilim who bid on you the other evening?" she asks. I might have told her that I was waiting for Sacha Gauthier to come for me but I haven't told her about my calls or my disaster visit to his office yesterday. I don't think I ever will. I still have my pride.

I sigh. "I found out that he lives mostly in Seattle. I think I'd like to pay him a visit." If only I could find his address. I've been sleuthing through the World Wide Web all day but it seems that the Nephilim royal family has concealed their whereabouts very well. I suppose they don't want anyone, especially demons or a half-demon like me to know where they live.

Juniper groans. "You mean, he still hasn't made contact and now you're stalking him?"

"Hey! I'm not stalking him! I'm just---" Hell, I am stalking him...but, if only he'd see me again. Just once and he'll be reminded of how it felt between us. Just five minutes together and I'm sure he wouldn't be able to resist me. I just know it.

"Danica?" says Juniper when I stop talking and remain quiet for a long while. "What is going on with you? You never chased after a boy or a man. They chase after you!"

My sigh is loud and heavy. "They do, don't they?" I run a hand over my face then rub my aching neck and shoulder. I've been hunched over my laptop all day today.

Juniper is right. What is the matter with me? I never lost sleep over a boy or try to track them down. I have a legion of admirers, I could take my pick of any boy at school. I know I'm reckless and unpredictable, but that's part of my appeal. I'm beautiful, fun, charming, and sexy. No, that's not just my vanity talking. I'm just stating facts.

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