"But no brahmin is so big." said Nakul, gesturing to bhrata Bheem we all laughed even bhrata Bheem, Mata chuckled

"Where will we go, Jyesht?" asked Sahadev

"We will proceed to the pashchim." said Jyesht, we all nodded

"After travelling for three weeks we will reach the place where your lives had begun." said Jyesht gesturing to bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and me.

Two days later

Krishna's P.O.V.

Rukmini and I were walking on the beach. I loved the winds. Rukmini was very sad.

"I did not get the opportunity to meet bhrata Jun again, Arya. And the wish to seek the Mata Kunti's blessings remained in my heart itself." she said, I smiled

"Rukmini, look behind you." I said, she looked at me and the looked behind

"What do you see?" I asked, already knowing the answer

"Our footprints, Arya." she said looking at me, I looked around and saw the waves wiping our footprints.

"Look! Those prints got wiped by the waves, Rukmini." I said, Rukmini looked behind again

"Footprints not being wiped, does not mean that the ones who made them are also wiped." I said she then looked back at me

"Does... Does this mean the Pandavas are alive?!" she exclaimed

"I do not know. But if they are alive then I need to meet them soon." I said as we started walking

"But why do you not answer me whether they are alive or not, Arya?" she asked I looked at her

"A definite answer?" I asked she nodded

"Its definite answer is, Rukmini. That it is time for the entire society to change. Look at from Magadh to Matsya, and from Kuru to Vidarbh. Subjects... Subjects toil in the fields. They enter the mines to dig out iron, gold and precious gems. They break down rocks to construct buildings. Arthat, the subjects yield the entire wealth. But what do they get in return? They get hunger, poverty and injustice in return. And the Kings, Rulers and Emperors get wealthier. Have you ever seen a King who is concerned for his subjects? A King who is concerned for their happiness? A King who is concerned for their welfare? No, right? And this is what God calls adharm. When such adharm gets out of hand, in order to salvage the world, God gives birth to people, who have dharm in their heart. Until things change until subjects of a kingdom gain true happiness those great people sent by God do not die, Rukmini. I have complete faith that they are alive." I said

"And I shall meet them very soon in Panchal." I said

"Why in Panchal?" asked Rukmini

"We shall meet them in Panchal, because there in the mud of adharm the lotus of dharm is going to bloom. Such a power is about to be born there that will change the future of the entire Aryaverth. And I have to go there to protect this power." I said

"From who?" asked Rukmini, I chuckled

"From the one who is going to give birth to that power. Arthat from the Panchal naresh, Drupad.


Shikhandini's P.O.V.

I saw the rishis being tortured to work. Through the past few days I have seen what kinds of adharm and sins a person can do when they are blinded with anger, revenge and hatred. I saw one of the rishis fall while pulling a heavy load.

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