Prompt 20: Home (2)

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TW: Nightmare, harm.

It had been a couple of days since Y/N had returned from her posting oversees and she didn’t plan on going back, instead she decided on taking up a domestic one. She wanted to stay close to home. She wasn’t wary of her postings abroad, rather she enjoyed it but a little change could do no harm.

It was 3 hours past midnight when Harry came back after completing a song he had been itching to write. He had promised Y/N that he would be back by midnight but he was too engrossed in creating the lyrics that time flew by in a blur and in no time, it was 3 am, but he had managed to complete lyrics. A small win.

The door clicked open as he entered her apartment and gently closed it without making the slightest of noise. He quickly took a warm shower and slipped into his night suit before slithering into the covers. He turned towards her and slid his arms over her waist, getting closer to her and rested his head next to hers taking in the fragrance of her freshly washed hair.

Fatigue took over him and he sank into dreamless slumber. It felt like hours before shuffling beside him woke him up. A glance at the clock showed it had been only half an hour since he fell asleep. He looked at the source of movement. Y/N's brow was furrowed and a slight scrunch on her face depicted that she was having a nightmare. Her face turned from the other side to his almost giving him a scare. She sank her head even deeper into the pillow as though resisting something or someone in the dream. Her face was moisture laden due to sweat and palpitations had taken over her restful breathing patterns.

“Y/N,” He ever so gently grazed one hand over her head trying to sooth her stress lines on the forehead and another hand went to cup her cheek to dry away a lonely tear as it rolled down. “Its okay, Its okay. Just a dream..” He saw her visibly relax under his touch and words.

Her palpitations had reduced and her brows were no longer scrunched, denoting her nightmare had seemingly ended.

A few seconds later, she fluttered her eyes open and without wasting a second she pulled him down into an embrace. He hugged him as though her life depended on it.

Or his.

He had promptly melted into her embrace and enjoyed their closeness. He knew it wouldn’t last long as she would soon have to go back to her duty.
Still in embrace, she said “I saw them come after you, my weakness. I ran after them and fought them but it was not enough, H.” and tears trailed down her face.

Harry broke the embrace and wiped her tears away, looking at her “Nothing is going to happen, I am here in front of you, in one piece. Unharmed. It was just a nightmare babe.” he said in his soothing voice that reached her and she leaned onto his shoulder after nodding at his words.

“Its not like you’re a secret agent or anything.” He laughed to make the dense moment a little lighter but it hadn’t gone down well with her. She raised her head and stared into his eyes searching for a flash of realization or truth after the sentence he spoke but there was none, only a hint of humor.
“Touché.” She replied as she rested her head against his chest as he slid his arms over her, holding her close while she clutched onto his shirt.

She was taken aback yet happy the cat wasn’t out of the bag.



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