~His Light~

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~Nobody's POV~

To say that Lucy was worried was an understatement, she hadn't seen Rogue all day and he had left Frosch at the guild which surprised her as her dark-haired boyfriend was practically attached at the hip with the little exceed who adored dressing as a frog.

"Sting, have you seen Rogue anywhere? I can't find him?" she asked the blonde whilst holding the worried exceed in her arms caringly "Nope sorry Lucy, haven't seen him since yesterday" he sighed looking over his guilds paperwork "if you see him let me know ok," she said as he hummed in agreement.

She set Frosch down on the counter "Are you sure you don't know where Rogue went Fro?" she asked as the small ball of cuteness thought about it but most of his memory was taken over with thoughts of playing with butterflies "I think Rogue is at home" Lucy smiled kissing the exceed on the forehead "thank you Fro, you stay here and play with Lector and I'll check on Rogue ok?" she said gathering up her stuff before setting off to her boyfriend's small house.

Walking up to his door she noticed that it was pitch black inside 'I hope he's alright; she sighed before knocking lightly on the door knowing his dragonslayer senses would allow him to hear her anyway, having received no answer she unlocked the door using her spare key.

"Rogue? Baby are you home?" she stopped in her tracks as the sound of sniffles reached her ears, she wandered to his bedroom slowly and the closer she got the sadder she felt. As the closer she got to his door the easier it was to figure out he was crying.

Listening outside his bedroom door for a moment as his cries continued she slowly opened the door revealing Rogue who was just laying in his bed back to her. Crying.  Hearing the door open his breathing hitched "What's wrong?" she asked setting down her stuff "Nothing" he grumbled clearly lying.

~Rogues POV~

I had been in my house all day soaking in my own self-pity, I didn't deserve someone as sweet, beautiful, and compassionate as Lucy and people made me painfully aware of that fact, so after I dropped Frosch off at the guild I came back home and have been in my bed weeping to myself all day hoping Lucy wouldn't decide to visit me today no matter how much I missed her she deserved someone better than me.

I could hear a light knocking on my door, and knowing it was probably Lucy I didn't answer the door hoping she would leave but that didn't work as I could hear her call out to me clearly worried which didn't help the aching in my heart.

It wasn't long before I heard that same light knocking on my bedroom door but once again I didn't answer and just kept crying to myself only stopping once I heard the door open meaning she could see me.

"What's wrong?" she asked softly, gathering up my courage I responded "Nothing" though I knew she could tell I was lying as not long after the other side of my bed, the side she usually slept on when she stayed over creaked from the weight of her climbing onto it. 

~Lucy's POV~

"Please tell me what's wrong" I pleaded softly while rubbing circles on his back as he still hasn't turned and faced me, "I said it was nothing" he responded simply an irritated edge in his voice "Did I do something to upset you?" I asked quietly as he quickly sat up startling me.

"Why would you think that?" He asked quietly unaware of the fact that his ignoring me had made me feel bad as I looked at my hands shaking my head "nevermind, forget I said anything" I dismissed "No, I wanna know what's wrong" he said.

"Do you not trust me enough to tell me what's wrong?" I asked him as he looked taken aback by my question as my voice cracked "No, no no, of course, I trust you" he said slightly panicking "then why won't you tell me? I just wanna help".

~Nobody's POV~

The shadow dragon slayer quickly pulled the blonde to his chest "I'm sorry" he whispered to her "I honestly don't deserve you" he informed her as she gripped onto him tighter  "that's not true" she whispered "we both know that's not true" she said repeating herself as they laid there in silence.

"What made you think that?" she asked wondering what had caused her boyfriend to think that he didn't deserve her but he didn't respond instead he just brought her as close as possible before laying both of them down. They lay there together, as the blonde just basked in the warmth and comfort that radiated off Rogue due to the heater breaking down a few days prior.

The dragon slayers mood was improving as time went on, neither speaking though no words were needed as in this moment though they were complete opposites from rival guilds he knew she would forever be the light that got him through life, the light that guided him back to reality. She is and will forever be His Light.


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