Chapter 36 -- Sindra and Drucilla

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An opportunity missed is an opportunity squandered--that's how it goes, right? That's for amateurs. Create your chance, do your business, and leave them looking...better yet, make them think you were doing them a favor...


Wren moaned and gripped her stomach. She leaned against the corridor wall. Most of the family had gone ahead of them into the 'living area', a section adjacent the main library and the Citadel's central fireplace. "I think I'm going to die. I can barely move."

"You must admit, it's a very ingenious form of torture," Jharon groaned in a thick voice. "Put the implements of pain in front of you, and encourage you to hurt yourself. Ishtar be my witness, I never been so gluttonous in all my life."

"Gads, I don't know what came over me either. I never should have eaten that last piece of pie. I think I'm going to explode." The sweet taste that had encouraged her to over-eat still lingered in her mouth. If she lived in this house for very long, they'd have to grease her sides so she could fit through doorways!

Jharon let out a very ungentlemanly belch and thumped his sternum. "At least they'll bury me happy. That cook must be on loan from Elysium. Better food could only be made by Elysian angels."

They hadn't moved very far down the hall when they saw two huge figures coming back toward them. From the sky scraping height and the brilliant blue of their clothing it was easy to tell it was Sindra and Drucilla. The sisters were alone as they sauntered up.

"Moving slow, I see," Drucilla said. "Enjoy dinner?"

"Greatly," Jharon answered.

Wren nodded. Something in her wanted to like these two huge ladies. They were very personable and had a wicked streak that was still appealing in its own way. She still didn't trust them; they were D'klace. What she liked less was the way they were glomming on Jharon. Sindra had already taken up a position behind him and had her hands on his shoulders. He made absolutely no effort to stop her either, which made it more irritating.

"Wren," Sindra said, moving closer, and lowering her voice. The woman's proximity really emphasized her size. She wasn't twiggy like tall women usually were, but full bodied with perhaps one or two extra stone of well placed flesh to make them really stand out. "I wonder if I might impose upon you for a favor. It's somewhat personal, but it would mean a great deal to us."

A great deal to these two spoiled ladies? This Wren had to hear even if she turned them down. "How personal?"

The lady pursed her lips, dark eyes fluttering. She knelt down so that their eyes were more on a level. She lowered her voice further. Now close to the woman's face, Wren realized how much like a statue Drucilla looked. Her skin had a smooth texture to it, as though carved and sanded from marble. Wren saw no openings in her skin like normal people possessed.

"My family has made something of study of Ka'Amok," Sindra said. "I'd be obliged if I would be allowed to verify that you are indeed a daughter of Gaea."

"Who's this Gaea everyone talks about?" Wren asked. "I've heard it mentioned before."

The big lady looked back down the hall toward the living area then back to Wren, as if she didn't want to be seen here in the hall with Wren and Jharon. "Gaea is the All-Mother, the progenitor of the first ones. The first ones are the fathers and mothers of those we know as gods, entities like Ishtar and Isis."

"So, I'm supposed to have blood in me that is part of something that is greater than the gods?"

"That would capture the essence of it, yes." She glanced back to the living area. "May I?"

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