Chapter 33 --This Must Be D'klace

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 I had never experienced such comfort or serenity. I didn't want to leave and that made me all the more eager to be gone before the place cast its spell over me.


Standing on the veranda, the robe pulled tight around herself, Wren closed her eyes again. What have I fallen into? Blinking, she looked again at the four lavishly dressed women standing on the balcony a stone's throw away. The D'klace tattoo, so completely out of place, especially on a woman. In this strange castle, with its oddly powerful family, she realized the outrageousness, the unlikeliness--fit. Executioners. Huge comely females...who liked...other females. Could things get any more strange? She swallowed, hoping not.

Though she made no noise, nor even a move, it was as if she'd let out a yell. As a unit, all four of them turned their heads to look in her direction. Wren felt abruptly queasy, as though caught in the beam of a search lantern.

The sensation halted almost immediately. One of the gold girls waved. Feeling self conscious and uneasy, she gave a weak wave back.

The other gold girl tapped the one who'd waved on the shoulder and made a motion with her head toward the lake. The other responded with a nod.

Wren drew a breath in astonishment as all four women dove over the balcony rail. Jumping from two stories up was startling enough, but the next thing they did was even more surprising. They didn't fall.

They rose.

Like four birds, they dipped then arced up into the sky toward the lake and were soon lost from view behind the island in the center.

The sight gone, Wren realized her heart was pounding.

They flew. They really flew! She'd heard of magicians who could do it, but never saw it done. Now, four of them...all at once. She let out a breath and retreated within the quarters.

Shaking her head, she crossed the room to the bath and looked inside. Granite tiles grooved in geometric patterns made up the floor. A bricked in pool served as the tub. Two strange bronze fixtures with handles on them jutted from the wall. A quick look around made her wonder. Where had the water come from? There were no containers that the water could have been brought in. They were on the second story. The water was hot, she could tell from the steam. Surely, she hadn't lost so much of her edge that a servant could come and go without her noticing?

Jharon was stretched out in the huge sunken tub, obviously luxuriating in the warmth. The dark-haired priest was humming, busy scrubbing his lathered hair and body.

He looked up. "Well, come to visit. Care to join me? The water is hot and the soap is mild and fragrant." He picked up a colorful container of soap powder. He started to say something else and stopped when he really seemed to see her. His smile faded. "Something wrong? You look pale."

She swallowed. "While I was out on the veranda, I saw two women, who I'd swear were wearing the tattoos of the D'klace. On top of that, I saw them fly."

Jharon raised an eyebrow. "Fly?"

"Not just those two, but them and two others."

Jharon put down the decanter of soap he'd picked up. "You saw four people--flying." He sighed. "Flying executioners no less."

She took a breath and nodded.

"Little Bird, you know, if it was anyone but you, and us anyplace else, I'd be concerned that you had a fever."

"Jharon, what am I going to do!?"

"About what?" He leaned on the side of the tub. "Wren, I still don't see why you're making such a fuss. Lady Cassandra is a right and noble woman. I know she appears odd, but I am a fairly good judge of character, and she means you no ill. Now, Desiray, is a different matter, she I would steer wide of."

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