Chapter 22 -- Breakout

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I never will know the extent to which Cassandra's damned starwand messed with my mind. It kept me from killing Wren, so I suppose it's a good thing. Sometimes, I'm forced to wonder at how much we are alike--or are we? Are those even my memories...or hers? Troubling.


Wren rubbed her face again. Her vision cleared and the pain faded. The bright reds, pinks, and blues of the pillows covering the floor of Desiray's liaison room came into focus, no longer blurred by tears. She smelled cloying perfume and incense that hadn't registered in her blood-flooded nose. With a moment more rest, she would have enough stamina to try to rescue the Brethren members imprisoned in the dungeon below.

Healed. Even after seeing Desiray's other miracles she still found it hard to believe. Even her priest friend, Jharon, needed to invoke the power of Ishtar to perform curing. Desiray's magic came from within herself. She saw how powers like Desiray's might lead a person to arrogance. What did Desiray have to fear from ordinary men? A knife would barely scratch the Mistress's tough skin.

That lead Wren to an inevitable question. With Desiray being nearly invulnerable, why did Cassandra worry about Desiray's safety?

A chill went through her. Maybe Hethanon was more dangerous than she even imagined. Desiray feared Hethanon enough to put aside her pride and apologize. If Hethanon could kill Desiray, what would he do to her? The thought made her heart race.

Wren climbed to her feet, taking deep breaths. Maybe she misjudged Cassandra. Did the mage send her to be sacrificed in Desiray's stead?

The mistress didn't sense Wren staring at her. Her attention was focused on rummaging beneath the pillows on the floor in search of something. Tossing a few aside, she lifted a panel in the floor. She grabbed some towels out of the space.

"Dry yourself off," Desiray said. "We've been leaving a trail of water wherever we go." The mistress tossed the cloth to her.

Wren caught it, then let it fall. Already working a towel through her white hair the mistress didn't notice.

"Desiray, tell me the truth."

Wren's tone made the white-haired woman stop. She tossed back her hair and looked at her. "What truth?"

"Is Cassandra sending me to get killed?" Her voice grew heavy in her throat. "Is that why you want me to go along?"

The woman's green eyes narrowed. "Weren't you listening? I told you why. Hethanon scares me. I'd rather not face him alone."

"That doesn't explain why Cassandra wanted me to handle Hethanon instead of you. If you had Corona." She thumbed the dagger. "Nothing could touch you."

Desiray's voice turned icy. "But you see, Wren, I don't have Corona. You do. Cassandra knows what I'd do with a starwand as powerful as he is."

Corona made a piping sound.

Wren studied the mistress and the glint her eyes. Was that merely a clever answer or the truth? She'd seen the woman's viciousness. She could unleash Corona's power with no remorse.

"Stop looking for trouble," Desiray growled. "Cassandra's not the type to sacrifice lambs. Dry off." She grabbed Wren's towel off the floor and shoved it into her hands.

Wren complied, still not certain what to believe. As she dried her hair, she spoke. "So what's the plan?"

"Dungeon," Desiray replied. "We get everyone together in a group and I'll teleport the whole lot of us to a safe haven."

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