Chapter 26 -- Relative Digression

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 When I first met Wren, I knew she was someone special even before Mother introduced us. My Mother was such a dunce, she wasted an extraordinary opportunity out of no other reason than lack of book-learning. It would have been great to have Wren for a sister...


Wren wobbled a little as the dark-haired priestess helped steady her in the hall. The woman had come in while Cassandra was chiding Wren for her lack of faith. She introduced herself as Dame Ghendel. A plump woman with dark hair and fair skin that looked never to have been touched by the sun. The woman wore a courteous smile that was all business and little friendliness. Wren guessed that because they were guests of the high priest that granted the only courtesy they would get from the woman. The lady assisted Cassandra in drawing some blood from each of them, and took notes for Jharon on the avenues of research Cassandra would be following.

After the necessary dressing of their wounds and other details, Cassandra suggested that they relax as much as possible, clean up and get a change of clothes. That, they were now on their way to do.

Wren glanced back, noticing the way Desiray moved gingerly along behind her with the assistance of the two temple guards. The mistress was like a shell lizard, if she fell on her back, it would take four strong men to get her upright again.

Tired as she was, Wren thought the water might ease her tension. How could she sleep not knowing whether she would wake up or not? The fact that Cassandra would be searching for a cure, made her feel better, but it was frustrating as well. She hated feeling helpless, and having to depend on someone else. She could tell from Desiray's expression that the mistress hated it even more.

They were escorted to the central cistern where Wren had bathed before, a large bricked in pool surrounded by columns and hanging gardens. The priestess assigned to them waited by Wren, obviously to help her disrobe. The men that had assisted Desiray left with perfunctory nods to the priestess.

Wren hesitated. For some reason the idea of being unclothed around Desiray made her uneasy. The mistress seemed to share none of her discomfiture, and was already undoing the catches on her leather cuirass.

She decided her unease was silly and started working at the ties on her own armor. The priestess assisted her in pulling it off. The removal came with its share of pain. The muscle pulls, and bruising, made her whole body tender. She slid off her boots, removed her blouse and breeches. Conscious of chilly stone underfoot that all she wore was her short clothes and the phoenix amulet.

"The priests know you around here," Desiray said, undoing the last strap on her vest plate. "How long have you known Jharon?"

"Seven, eight summers," Wren answered.

"Cassandra was right about him?" Desiray winced, trying to shrug the tight fitting material off her shoulders.

"We wanted to be engaged. The hierarchy disapproved of the match though." Wren stepped behind her and peeled the clinging leather off each arm. Desiray groaned as the cuirass was removed. Wren lay the armor aside, and assisted with Desiray's undergarments.

"Predictable," Desiray said. She looked around, saw a bench, and steered herself to it. She plunked down with a thud. She bent to pull off her boots and moaned. "Help me, please. Between lightning, stabs, and poison I'm a mess."

She knelt and helped Desiray pull off her long thigh-length boots. Desiray then slowly worked at her breeches, not self conscious about being naked. Of course, with a body like that, what did she have to be self-conscious about?

"Anyway, the church prefers arranged marriages to a noble family that will tithe regularly. The happiness of lovers isn't a consideration."

Wren saw the priestess who was placing washing cloths, hair soap, and oils by the pool, stiffen. The woman kept at what she was doing without comment.

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