Life is so dark and hopeless.

    Even if I tried my best, I could only get more than 3,000 wages per month.

    Add in the more than 5,000 yuan that my father does part-time work and small handicrafts per month, and there are less than 9,000 yuan a month. Excluding all kinds of daily expenses, it is still far from 450,000.

    The restaurant is not staffed enough, so I sometimes put aside my back kitchen work and go out to serve dishes.

    One day when I went to deliver food to the "Tian" box, a stylishly dressed woman noticed me. She looked at me for a long time, and finally said to me: "Would you like to come to work at Lanmei? You guarantee the salary. It is several times more than it is now."

    At that time, I didn't know how Lan Mei existed in Nanyang.

    I just heard her mention the salary, and was moved uncontrollably.

    A long, long time ago, I used to think that I would be tempted to fall in love at first sight with a boy in a white shirt on a sunny afternoon as written in a novel.

    But now...

    I didn't even ask Lan Mei what exactly it was, and said to her: "I am willing to work at your place."

    I tried to smile at her.

    When she saw it, she couldn't laugh, and handed me a business card: "Well, it's uglier than crying. We, Lan Mei, never force people. You think about it, and you will give me a reply when you think about it."

    I took it. Business card.

    At the same time, the scene of loan sharks going to my house to collect debts a few days ago flashed in their minds. They held a knife and threatened to chop off their father's hands.

    I lowered my head, looked at the words "Lan Mei. High. Level. Meeting." above, firmly said: "Don't think about it, I will go with you today."

    That night, I changed into work clothes and saw what it was. Really drunk fans.

    The first-class people spend money like dirt, and the tips they casually throw are enough for our family of three to spend a month. I laughed and dealt with all kinds of men.

    At the same time, they endured their hands and feet from time to time.

    A man said that he wanted to invite me out.

    I understand the meaning of these two words. Obviously, if I go out, I will earn more.

    But I still rejected him with a smile.

    This year I have just been eighteen years old. Even though I have fallen into the abyss, I still long for the love I have been waiting for, and hope that someone will pull me out of the mud.

    In one night, I earned more than three thousand yuan.

    When I returned home with the money, my father was still sitting in the living room, gluing his eyes to the funny cartoon character. This time it was Pai Daxing, the pink starfish, smiling honestly at me.

    I took out a wad of money and gave it to my father.

    Father raised his head and saw the heavy make-up on my face that hadn't been removed at a glance: "You...Where did you go? Mengmeng, listen to me, Dad will find a way to pool money, you must not think of doing stupid things. "

    He sounded extremely worried.

    But I didn't even look at him, only said one thing I was tired, and went back to the room.

    Since then, I slept during the day and went to work at night.

    The sister responsible for taking me said that my name was too dull, so she changed my last name from Lin to Lin, and my name in Lan Mei became Lin Meng.

    Days passed, until that day, I ran into a man who was handsome and cold. He didn't do anything to me like other guests. He was just sitting on the sofa and drinking alcohol.

    I can see that he can see God, I only think that he fits all the illusions of men in my teenage years.

    I think he must have been born into a good family with the best tutors. If Lin Xiang had such a good background like him... his

    thoughts are out of control, he trusts the horse.

    Suddenly I heard the fat-eared boss next to the man open his mouth, signalling me to make some intimate actions to the man, I hesitated to put on red lips, but I didn't expect to be pushed away by the man.

    The forehead hit the sharp corner of the coffee table, and blood came out.

    I didn't have time to cry out, and in the next second, I fell into the man's generous and warm embrace.

    It was the first time I was held in this way, as if I was the one he spoiled on the cusp of his heart, but then I heard a man calling someone else's name.

    He called out "Yingying", and I knew that I was being treated as someone else's stand-in.

    All that happened later came to pass. For the first time in my life, I was young and nervous.

    He was very excited.

    After getting better, I gradually realized the happiness in it, but every time I kissed me, I would call the name Yingying.

    So gentle and cruel.

    I once indulged myself in sinking, but in the end I was awakened by his affectionate "Yingying".

    Lin Meng, be sober.

    You are just a stand-in.

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