"Hi! Listen I know you probably won't want to speak about it and that's fine. I'm sorry, for everything I did. Forgive me?" You rushed your words, trying to just get the apology done to hear his response.

"Y/N you were being a bitch but so was I, you deserve an apology. You were just in a bad headspace. I'm sorry I caused any emotional distress,"

"Thank you but i also acknowledge I was a bitch so thanks for pointing it out!" You joked, lightening the mood.

It seemed Clay had gotten over the incident easily, apart from a couple remarks, he was calm.

You catched him up on everything that happened, which was barley anything and a drunken kiss you didn't remember wasn't the best story.


"I feel like you should get some chocolates and roses and go apologise to Alex," He slurred on his words, quite obviously on something yet you chose to ignore it.

"It's raining, I'm not a fan of getting wet,"

"Really? That's surprising." He sarcastically muttered. If he was infront of you, you would've caused physical harm.

"No but listen, the rain pouring all over you, confessing your undying love as he confesses it back. It'll be like out of a film,"

"He'll think I'm crazy! He already thinks I'm weird, I'll ruin it with my 'confessing love in the rain'"

"Fine! Don't confess your love, just say you had to say sorry for acting like a bitch lately. There."


"I'll give you 20 quid,"

You ran the idea through your head, it wasn't that late and you could rent a car for around an hour to go speak to him. Plus speaking to him when you aren't intoxicated is always a plus.

"If you don't do it you're a pussy," He wheezed but that was enough for your competitive mindset.

"Fine, I'm doing it, you owe me 20 quid," Abruptly you ended the call and ran towards the renting area.

"hola señorita como puedo ayudarla" [hello miss, how may I help you?]

"I need one car for about an hour," You demanded, still with some kindness in your voice to not seem rude.

He rushed for some keys and after signing a couple papers, you got a decent car.

This is dumb
This is dumb
This is dumb
This is dumb

The only sound were your thoughts and the local Mexican radio.


After rolling around, trying to remember his house. You found it.

Walking up towards the door, you knocked with a shaky breath. The cold rain splattered onto your body, soaking your hair and clothes.

"Son las 10 pm, ¿qué quieres?"
[its 10pm, what do you want?]
His mother exclaimed before showing a small smile noticing it was you,
"Are you okay? Alex is not here," Her accent was clear as you awkwardly stood there in the rain.

"I'm sorry, I'll leave,"

"No don't go, it's cold, come home," She huddled you into the house and sat you down on the couch. Giving you a towel to dry yourself.

"What's wrong?"

"I was going to say sorry for being a bitch but I just ended up embarrassing myself infront of his mother," She let out a soft chuckle and pulled you in for a hug.

"I know you like Alexis pero you must know that these estúpido things will not make him want you. Maybe if you just spoke to him, no en medio de la noche loca,"
[not in the middle of the night crazy woman]

That's when you heard the door open, noticing Alex's head pop from behind the door. Instantly his face turned into dread.

"Like now," She patted your knee before lifting herself up. Walking towards the door to greet her son.

"Mujer estúpida vino a pedirte perdón en medio de la noche. Incluso si está loca, sé amable. Buenas noches,"
[Stupid woman came to say sorry to you in the middle of the night. Even if she is crazy, be nice. Goodnight]

She slapped him lightly across the head before making her way upstairs. You sat on the soft couch.

"You alright," He asked, you nodded your head trying to hold back the tears. "No your not,"

He sat across from you and tapped his knee impatiently.

"I'm sorry, you were right. I shouldn't have come to Mexico, I should've taken the hint 5 months ago when you left."

"y/n, I'm going to be completely honest with you here. I'm glad you came back,"

"What-" He hushed you, continuing his trail of thought.

"That night that we made out while you were severely drunk was the best nights I've had in a long time. Not because of the fact I got punched or the fact atleast 5 women tried to dance with me."
"Because of you and one of the biggest mistakes I feel I've ever made. Was leaving you."

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