16.9K 387 1.4K

You made your way home, lugging Alex's suitcases.

"You're staying for how long?"

"Until I book a return ticket,"

You rolled your eyes at him. This entire trip had been so last-minute yet it seemed good.

You just wished you could've planned more activities. You checked your phone to see what that Tommy had tweeted a selfie of himself.

You and Alex in the background way too close for it to be friendly.

You and Alex in the background way too close for it to be friendly

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

You laughed at your joke and then ran to Alex, pulling the stuffed suitcase with all your might

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

You laughed at your joke and then ran to Alex, pulling the stuffed suitcase with all your might.

"Did you pack weights in here, why is so heavy,"

"I made if extra heavy for you" He teased, before opening it and pulling out a dumbbell weighing 20lbs.

You smacked the top of his head as he laughed

"You dickhead!"

"I would've helped if you would've asked!"

"You were holding 2 other suitcases,"

"Yeah, but they weren't 20lbs." He mocked, you flipped him off and rushed to your streaming room to make sure everything worked for later tonight.


Soon later, Alex entered the room with his hands full of snacks.

"Why do you have so much food?"

"We're doing a scary game, food makes me less scared!"

Rolling your eyes you began the stream and greeted your audience.

"Hello! How is everyone?" You say a bunch of responses in the chat and Alex just sat on the couch behind you, looking ominous.

"So today we have Alex, you probably know, we went on Tommy's stream and have posted photos together.

'Are you and Alex dating?'
A donor popped up and before you could respond, Alex came and sat on your lap. Quite literally squashing you,

"No but trust me, she wants me," He got really close to the microphone and you just looked up in disappointment before shoving him off of you.

"Get a chair!"

"I don't have a chair," You got up and ran to the kitchen. You heard him rambling on about something in the room and decided to sneak upon him.

So you went to the door frame and hid.

"Guys okay she is so pretty in real life, like she doesn't look it online but in real life, I can kinda look at her without puking"

Glad to know he's a dick in his internet persona as well. You pulled the chair in and he moved away from the mic, winking at the camera.

After answering a couple more questions you finally started the game.

'If you kiss Alex, I'll give you 10k,'

a dono from Dream popped up, at first you were hesitant, stuttering at answering. Then you remembered you have to pay your bills.

So you sat on top of him again and smooshed your face into his. This time it wasn't as genuine considering it was for money yet it was still enjoyable.

You got the 10k from 'dreamwastaken' and continued gameplay as everything was normal. Even though chat was acting like a nuke had just landed and we were all gonna die.

You had to end the stream because the inappropriate comments were getting to hard to catch for your mods.


You are washing up dishes.

"What was that kiss?" Alex asked, he sounded sad and looked confused,

"I wanted money, sorry I didn't ask,"

"You don't have to ask," His footsteps got closer and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "I want you,"

You turned around, his arms still around you. He wasn't tall but he was definelty taller than you especially at that moment.

"Then have me," He pushed you up onto the counter and stared into your eyes. His brown eyes were so intricate, each detail was special.

Then he kissed you again.

A spark of electricity connected you, an instant passion, not a joke or a scam for money.

He gripped you, you wrapped your legs around him. Intimacy filling every part of your body, sparks felt like they were flying.

Your skin was touching, no space in between yet you still weren't close enough as you leaned back, moving him closer to you.

You kissed for what felt like hours but was probably 5 minutes. The intimacy you felt with him was so intense, you felt like you couldn't stay away from him.

You washed before going to bed, today had been long, you basically fell asleep in Alex's arms the second you landed in them.

𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑠 (Quackity x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora