tom felton (kinda sad)

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You smile as you stop your car in front of the studio. Today your were doing a surprise visit to Tom, your boyfriend. He was on set for a movie and you two haven't seen each other for weeks now. You missed him so much, so does he. So you decided to come see him. You were really excited to reunite with him but also discovering his universe, the behind the scenes from his movie. Discover what he loves to do.

You get out of your car, take a deep breath and walk inside the studio. You discover a whole decor in a huge room, he was there, with some other actors. You hide yourself behind the director, not willing to fuck up the whole scene by making yourself visible to your boyfriend. He was so handsome standing there and the women he was playing with too...

You frown for a second. They do be really beautiful. 'So...He spent the past 6 weeks with these girls ?' You thought to yourself. You can't help but feel your heart shattered. You knew it's was dumb to think like this but deep down it made resurfaced some bad thoughts you already had before. Tom was always surrounded by beautiful women do to his work and you couldn't help but think of why would he be with you when he could be with a ten times more beautiful girl. And one who can understand better his job, because as long as you support what he does, you could never compare to an actress who is passionate by the same things as him.

"Cut !" The director screamed across the room for the camera to stop. Your eyes wouldn't stop watching Tom who you see stretching on his seat before standing up. The director turn around and smiles when he sees you. Of course you warned him of your venue and asked him to don't say anything. He then turns to Tom and shouted, "Good job Tom ! I even think you deserve a reward !" He teases as Tom frowns while he walks towards him. "Really ? It is that bad !" The director smiles and turns to you to make you a sign to join him in front of Tom.

Your boyfriend gasp when he sees you. "Bloody hell !" He shouted before almost running to hold you in his arms. You giggle as yours slide around his neck. "What are you doing here ?" He asked in his excited little British accent, making you shiver. "Are you really asking ? I missed you, you idiot !" You pull away slightly to look at his beautiful face, he had a giant smile and you could see stars sparkling in his eyes when he was looking at you. "I missed you too darling !" He said in a whisper before grabbing your chin between his fingers to pull your lips on his, kissing them softly and passionately.

After a few seconds of kissing, you two finally pull away, cut by one of the actresses who were in the set. "Oh ! You must be Y/N ! Tom can't stop speaking about you ?" Tom giggle next to you as his arms stay on your waist while you blush slightly. "You're too cute together !" You thank her before the director shows up. "Hey Tom ! We have a little change in the program, instead of the scene we were supposed we have to do the one between you and Danielle." Tom frowns a little bit, so do you. "What scene ?" He asks. "The kiss..." The director says in a grimace, finding it a bit uncomfortable to say it in front of you. And it was, you bite your lip in nervousness, you knew it was part of his job to kiss other girls and there was nothing romantic about it but you couldn't help but feel your heart shattered a little. "Oh !" Tom remove his hand from your back as he nods to the man. Your boyfriend seems definitely uncomfortable because of this news as he turns to face you.

"If you don't want to watch this you can go to my trailer..." he proposes to you while his hand scratches the back of his head. "No ! Don't worry about me Tom, I know it's just for work, nothing more." You say to convince him and you that you were completely ok with it. "Okay..." He said in a whisper before putting a kiss on your cheek. He then approach your ear to murmurs three little words in it. "I love you." A adorable smile appears on your face but a pit in your stomach brings you back to reality. He make his way into the decor and the director gives to autorisation for the camera to turn on.

You take a deep breath as the scene starts. Tom starts his monologue, a whole declaration to Danielle's Character. You were looking at Tom the whole time but for a second your eyes shivers to her. She was so beautiful, 'what if he actually takes pleasure at kissing her ?' You thought to yourself. You shake your head to get rid of the horrible idea. But when he leans to kiss her you can't take it anymore and turn around to keep yourself from seeing it.

You finally get to breath when the director shout. "Cut !" You turn around again like nothing happened and Tom literally run to join you, a little smile on his face.


Later that day, you were cuddling with Tom in his trailer, watching a movie. The rest of the day was pretty proving. You had to see Tom laughing around magnificent actresses. You won't admit it but it hurts you. You couldn't help but to compare yourself with them, you felt miserable and Tom definitely saw it. You jump when the film pauses, you pull your head away from Tom's shoulder to look at him. "Why did you paused the movie ?" You asked, a bit confused. "What's going on in your head Y/N ?" He answered back. You frown, was it that obvious ? "What do you mean ?" Tom tilt his head to the side. "Don't play innocent, I know you by heart." You sigh and let your back fall on the sheets of the bed. He lays besides you and look at your face. "I-I don't know how to explain" you started to explain. Tom frowns, waiting for you to continue. "Why are you with me Tom ?" You turn your head to look at his beautiful blue eyes, suddenly he seems surprised and heartbroken by your question. He was about to say something but you cut him off.

"I could have so much better than me, just look around you. You're always surrounded by stunning women...and I'm just me...I'm far from being as beautiful as they are." your voice crack in the middle of your explanation, breaking Tom's heart even more. He bites his lip in shock. How could you think of yourself like that, at his eyes you were the most beautiful women in the world so he couldn't understand. "Y/N...I refuse to let you compare yourself with these women." He places one of his warm hand on your cheek and rubs your skin gently with his thumb. "At my eyes you're the most beautiful one on earth ! On the outside and the inside ! And the reason why I'm with you is because I love you for the moon and back, you make my life happier every day. Trust me, You have nothing to envy them" A smile appears on your face, he mimics you before getting closer to you to put a loving kiss on your lips. Kissing them with all his love to prove you that you were the only one in his heart. "I love you." You said in a whisper against his lips before he pulls away but keep your proximity by putting his forehead against yours. "I love you too." He murmurs right before kissing you back into a more passionate kiss.

tumblr: slythraco

TOM FELTON AND HIS CHARACTERS IMAGINES!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon