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Today was the day me and my husband Draco were going to tell our son Scorpius who is 4 years old that I am pregnant!  I am so excited and nervous at the same time! 

Draco: Y/N he will be fine trust me 

Y/N: what if he gets mad and has one of his royal fits like his father used to! 

Draco: haha very funny... but really i doubt he will get mad i heard him tell albus on one of their play dates he wanted a sibling 

Y/N: okay i trust you 

Draco: good... Scorpius please come here 

Scorpius: okay coming

*walk into our bedroom*

Y/N: we have some news 

Scorpius: what..

Draco: well mommy has a baby in her and your going to be a big brother 

Scorpius: REALLY!! YES YES YES .... i have 3 questions though 

Y/N: ask away honey 

Scorpius: when will they be born? 

Y/N: in 5 months sweetie 

Scorpius: okay.. is it a boy or a girl? 

Draco: its a *what ever you want* 

Scorpius: REALLY? okay now how do you get a baby in your stomach 

Draco and Y/N: uh um- 

Draco: they come from magic 

Scorpius: really cool! i am going to go play now by bye 

Draco and Y/N: bye 

Draco: was i wrong though it felt like magic to get that baby


Draco: haha anyways i told you he would be fine 

Y/N: i guess you were right 

Draco: i love you 

Y/N: i love you more 

*draco lowers to your stomach* 

Draco: i love you little malfoy 

Y/N: awww! you have a soft spot for your kids 

Draco: and for my amazing, beautiful, and sexy wife 

Y/N: you had me at the first two words that describe me but you had to say that didnt you 

*both laugh* 

Draco and Y/N: love you! 

request by:  @GitteSchepens 

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