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Stiles had his arms wrapped around Hope when he woke up, he inhaled her scent wrapping his arms more tightly around her.  Hope sighed loving the feeling of her husbands arms around her.  Stiles leaned forward and kissed her bite scars on her shoulder.

"Morning," Stiles said as Hope turned around to look at Stiles.

Hope pressed her lips against Stiles, and then rolled over on top of him as the kiss deepened.  And they were interrupted by the sound of a baby crying.

"That would be the eighty-third time she has interrupted us," Stiles said as Hope got out of bed and wrapped her robe around herself.

"You've been keeping count?" Hope asked.

"Uhhh maybe," Stiles said hesitantly.

Hope laughed before tossing Stiles some a pair of boxers and shorts,"Come on."

They both went to Ellie's room, and Stiles picked her up and changed her and they both went into the front room.

Ellie started babbling and pointing to the window.

"What's wrong Ellie?" Stiles asked then he looked to the window and his jaw dropped,"HOLY CRIMSON SKIES OF DEATH!"

"Stiles, what's . . ." Hope trailed off as she looked at the sky glowing a bright red.

Then there was a bright flash of white light and there was a woman standing there.

"Stiles, Hope, baby," She said ,"I am Harbinger.  We need your help for the coming crisis."

"Who's we?" Stiles asked giving Ellie to Hope, and stepping in front of both of them protectively, eyes glowing blue.

There was another flash of light and there was a large man wearing bulky armor, ridges covering his mostly bald head, and big sideburns.

"I am the monitor," the guy said,"You both are needed if the multiverse is to survive."

There was another flash of light and suddenly they were no longer standing in their loft but in the DEO.

"Stiles?  Hope?" Kara said looking at them with wide eyes.

Stiles looked down at himself and he was wearing the suit Cisco had made for him and when he looked at Hope she was no longer wearing her robe, now she was fully dressed.

Stiles looked down at himself and he was wearing the suit Cisco had made for him and when he looked at Hope she was no longer wearing her robe, now she was fully dressed

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Then all the other heroes started popping up.

"Can somebody please explain, what the hell is going on?" Stiles said and they looked at him.

Monitor decided to pop in at that moment,"Raiju, the multiverse is in peril, my adversary the anti-monitor is consuming each universe after the other with his anti-matter."

"Okay," Stiles said,"Doesn't really make me feel any better."

Batwoman took off her mask,"Well, I guess you should all just call me Kate."

Paragon (Hope & Stiles) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now