Love Celebrated

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'In the beginning there was only one. A single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release, and, finally, the darkness broke, filling it with life... With the multiverse. Every existence multiplied by possibility. And spread out before space and time in infinite measure. Civilizations rose and fell. And rose again across reality's grasping expanse. Life. A precious gift persevering in the face of every obstacle, until, finally, the age of heroes was born,' The Monitor said, showing the creation of the multiverse.  Then the scenes started to shift showing the Flash running, Green Arrow fighting, Supergirl flying, the Raiju healing from crawling out of the belly of a fire snake, and the Tribrid killing Malivore.

Change Of View

"OH MY GOSH HOW CAN SOMETHING SO BIG COME OUT OF SOMETHING SO SMALL," Stiles exclaimed as he changed Ellie's diaper.

The baby giggled at her fathers reaction, while Hope remained a safe distance away from the intoxicating smell.

"I think she gets it from you," Hope said, coming over to pick up her daughter after the diaper was disposed of.

"And why do you think that?" Stiles asked kissing his wife on the nose.


Hope was at the graduation ceremony looking around for Stiles, who was no where to be seen.  She looked to the stands to see Lizzie holding Ellie,'Where is Stiles?' she  mouthed to her.

Lizzie looked around before shrugging.

Hope let out an annoyed sigh, and took out her phone and called the number of her fiance.

"Uhhh hello," Stiles answered.

"Stiles where the hell are you?  It's already started," Hope said looking around at the red caps.

"I am defiantly on my way," Stiles replied, and Hope heard something in the background.

"Are those sirens?" Hope asked, starting to get angry.

"Uhhh no," Stiles lied,"No sirens."

"Stiles," Hope warned.

"I'm telling you there's no sirens," Stiles lied terribly.

Stiles had been  helping out with the crime after things had settled down after Malivore, and Stiles was currently chasing down a car jacker.

"Okay maybe there are sirens but I'll be there on time I promise," Stiles said.

Hope let out an annoyed sigh, before hanging up.

"Hope Mikaelson," the principal called, and Hope got to the stage and was handed her diploma and took her place on the stage, as the salutatorian.

Hope shook the hands of the other students congratulating them.

"Mi-Mich-Miec oh for the love of--Stilinski," the principal said frustrated that he couldn't pronounce Stiles' real name.

Everyone looked around for Stiles as he still wasn't there.

"Stilinski," the principal called again and Stiles came running around the corner going up the stairs out of breath.

Stiles took his diploma, shaking the hands of the principal, Lydia the valedictorian, and then Hope shaking her hand eagerly while she glared at him, Stiles then leaned forward giving her a kiss on the lips, and dipping her getting oooo's from the crowd.

Stiles took his diploma, shaking the hands of the principal, Lydia the valedictorian, and then Hope shaking her hand eagerly while she glared at him, Stiles then leaned forward giving her a kiss on the lips, and dipping her getting oooo's from the...

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