5 - Kitten

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How was it nightfall already? I could've sworn I'd only woke up a few hours ago. Then again, that doesn't necessarily mean I'd woken up in the morning.

"Everyone get some food?" Kuroo asks the group, looking around to make sure everyone had affirmed in one way or another.

I hadn't eaten much; I was only halfway into my bag of pretzels when I quickly realized I was ready to hurl. I somehow managed to keep the food down, struggling desperately to convince my body not to waste the sustenance.

However, I had decided I wouldn't try again after that, for fear of puking it all up anyway. "Did you eat, Kenma?" I look up at hearing Kuro's voice.

I nod in response, looking back down at the sleeve of my hoodie. Or rather, Kuro's hoodie. He gave it to me a little while ago to stay warm. "How much?" He follows up. Kuro always follows up, just to make sure I actually ate enough.

I shrug, "I didn't feel good after so not much, I guess." He sighs. "I didn't want to throw it up."

I hear him sit beside me against a tree trunk, "You have to eat, kitten."

"I know," I murmur quietly, "Just later." I feel his arms wrap around my shoulders, pulling my small body into his chest. I relax into the warmth, sighing as I still try to process what's going on. A small throb starts pulsating in my leg, sending a wave of pain through me. "Ow." I mutter.

Kuro immediately perks up at my distress, "What's wrong?"

"My leg, I don't know." I see Kuro's features combine oddly with relief and concern at my response.

"We need to get that shard out before the feeling comes back, or it's gonna hurt like a mother." He grimaces and gets up, "Suga!"

"Wait, what?!" I shout at his retreating form, alarmed. They're gonna pull the metal out?! I look down at my leg and slowly unwrap the makeshift bandage, cringing at the pull of dry blood against my torn flesh. It looks horrible.

Suga comes jogging up to me with Daichi, Kuroo, Tanaka, and Lev at his side. "What are you doing?" I ask quietly and try to scoot away, panicking when I bump against a tree.

"Kenma, just take a deep breath," Suga places his palms out to try to show he means no harm, "We just have to get that metal out before the feeling comes back, okay? We were waiting it out to see if you could make it till help came, but it doesn't look like we're gonna be found tonight." My eyes widen at his response. "It'll get infected if we leave it in any longer, Kenma."

"No, no, no-" I try to back away further when Tanaka and Kuroo show up on either side of me. "Kuro, I can't do this, it's gonna hurt-"

"Sh, sh..." Kuro tries to calm me down, "It's gonna be okay, kitten. Suga's gonna try to make it quick, okay?"

"Try to focus on us, alright, Kenma?" Daichi smiles from behind Suga. My eyes cast downwards, where I see Suga vigorously washing his hands under a bottle of water. He applies hand sanitizer afterwards. "Hey, Kenma?" I look back up at Daichi. "Right here, bud."

"Please, I don't wanna do this, just leave it in, I don't care!" I shout at them, trying to squirm away. Kuroo and Tanaka grab both my upper arms to try to keep me in place. "Let me go!" I don't like being touched, let alone held against my will.

"We gotta do it, kitten." Kuro says beside me, his voice laced with both comfort and concern. I see Suga reposition himself, with his legs on either side of my right leg, straddling my shin to keep it in place.

Suga grimaces, "I'm really sorry, Kenma. Trust me, I don't like this just as much as you don't." He starts to reach down towards the wound. I thrash in place, struggling to break free.

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