4 - Injury

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After Kuro helps me out of the bus, I find us standing by what used to be the fire. Our walk from the seats to here feels like a blur, but I won't tell Kuro that. He seems way too worried as is.

"Hey, Kenma..." Daichi approaches me, and I notice he's using a jacket as a makeshift sling to hold his arm up. "How you feeling?"

"I'm okay." I give him a small smile as I look around. I notice Daichi staring at me for another moment than what I thought was necessary, but I pass it off as my messed up brain. "Are you okay?"

"Eh, I'll be fine." He chuckles and adjusts his sling. "Let me know if I can do anything for you, alright?" The Karasuno captain lays a hand on my shoulder gently, just to make sure he had my attention. He probably thought I'd drifted off again. Did I? "Kenma?" I now notice him shaking my shoulder. "You okay?"

"Huh?" I blink up at him. "Oh, yeah, sorry." I murmur quietly.

"Maybe you should lay down..." Daichi eyes me with a concerned glance.

I shake my head, "That wouldn't do anyone any good. Least I can do is go look for firewood or something."

"Kenma," Daichi starts, raising his eyebrows at me. Where had Kuro gone? "We have tons of able guys to take care of that, just take care of yourself."

I only nod in response, wincing when the same pain pokes me in the base of the neck. "Does your neck hurt?" I jump when I hear Sugawara approach me from behind.

"Oh, um, hi, Sugawara-kun." I tuck my hair behind my ear as I look up at the guy. A vague memory of a conversation we'd had lingers in the back of my mind, but I shove it to the side for fear of making my headache worse.

"What about any dizziness?" He follows up, eyes flittering around my face. Looking up at him, I realize I have to tilt my head a little more than I normally would in order to make eye contact.

Now that I think about it, it seems as though the entire left half of my vision has vanished. Forgetting Suga's question, I reach up and touch at my eye to try to figure out where it went. Did it disappear? No, of course it didn't.

I flinch when I remember the pain exploding around my face, the feeling of my fingers maneuvering around it only adding to the agony. Was my eye swollen? Is that why I couldn't see?

"Kenma?" I'm once again startled out of my thoughts when Suga gently grabs my elbow. I recoil back, the bruising on my left side still making my entire body ache. "Sorry, do you remember what I just asked you?"

I think on it for a moment, relieved when I'm able to come up with an answer, "Um, yeah, I'm a little dizzy." It comes and goes, but it's mostly resorted to straight pain at this point. "Why?"

"Here," Suga positions himself in front of me, his palms up, "I want you to push against my hands, hard as you can."

I nod, deciding not to question his orders. I wonder how Sugawara-kun knows so much medical stuff?

Placing my palms on his, I push as forcefully as I'm able, not quite understanding why I was doing what I was doing. He tilts back in the slightest but doesn't seem to move.

Weird, it felt like I'd pushed him at least a little hard. Suga looks at me expectantly, as if he were waiting for me to try again. "I did it." I look up at him, confused.

His mouth opens as if he was going to say something before he closes it again, "Uh, great." He stutters out, "You did great." I can tell he's hiding something from me, but I decide not to press it.

Instead, I walk over to my backpack, deciding I'd sift through it to see if I had packed anything that might be able to help.

_Kuro's POV_

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