1 - The Crash

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We'd just won our match against Ubugawa High. Kuro was in as good a mood as ever, but I was just ready to get on the bus and sleep forever.

"Sorry, boys," Karasuno's coach, Coach Ukai, informs his team with a sour face, "Apparently our bus is out of commission. We can wait till another one is available, or you could all call for rides."

"But it's, like, 9 PM!" Nishinoya whines.

"I know, I know," Their coach grimaces, "But there's really no other option."

I lift my head from my backpack at the sound of Kuro's voice as it fills the gym, "You guys could ride with us?"

"Isn't your bus full, though?" Hinata pipes up from behind Kageyama.

"We probably couldn't fit everyone, but whoever would want to could probably join us." Kuro offers. Of course he'd give up my only chance for having an entire seat to myself. Oh, who am I kidding, Kuro would've wedged himself beside me anyways.

The gym echoes with murmurs as the Karauno team works it out among themselves. Kuro walks up to me just as I'm swinging my backpack around my shoulders. "Tired?" He chuckles as I yawn, "You look it."

"I just wanna get home." I grumble and rub at my eyes.

"It's not too terribly long of a drive." He scratches the back of his head and pulls his jacket on, "You can sleep on the way." I nod and stare down at the floor.

"So," Daichi approaches us, "You sure it's alright if some of us tag along?"

"It'll be like a party!" Shoyo shrieks with excitement and bounces up to me. "Kenma, Kenma! We can totally play Uno, like the entire way!"

My jaw drops. You have got to be kidding me.

"I actually think Kenma's pretty beat." Kuro pipes up for me. I'll have to thank him later.

Shoyo frowns, "That's okay..." His smile returns in a flash, "Next time!"

I nod and zip my jacket up. The nighttime chill is finally starting to get to me. I can only hope the bus is at least a little warm.

Kuro notices my small shiver, "You cold?" I nod and tuck the bottom half of my face into my jacket. He smiles, "I have a sweatshirt you can wear, it's in my bag on the bus though."

Kuro knows I struggle with keeping warm. It's kind of a circulation issue or something, I don't know. I went to the doctor for it, but I didn't care enough to pay attention. So, Kuro's always prepared for me. He'd buy me hot chocolate whenever we held hands and he realized just how cold I was. Or I'd wake up with a few more layers of blankets over me than I'd fallen asleep with. Kuro was someone I knew I could rely on.

"Thanks." I mutter and give him a small smile. He just wraps an arm around me and holds me closer to his chest. I sigh in relief at the comfortable warmth radiating off my best friend. He gently guides me out of the gym to the big charter bus waiting for us in the parking lot. I wanted a seat in the back, but it seemed fate had it out for me considering all the luggage was stacked in a ginormous pile in the last two seats. Plus, by this point, Kuro had already led me to his seat in the middle of the bus. I guess that was okay as long as I got to sit by Kuro.

I plop my backpack down and take the seat closest to the window. I knew I'd wake up sometime in the night and I wanted something to look at while Kuro undoubtedly slept on my lap.

Thankfully, the bus and Kuro combined was just enough warmth to lull me away into sleep. "You want the sweatshirt?" Kuro chuckles as I gently lean my head against his shoulder. The bus hadn't even started moving and I was already conking out.

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