2 - Hurt

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I cannot even begin to explain the panic I felt when I realized Kenma had passed out again. I run over to him, ignoring the minimal pain as I skid my knees against the forest floor. "Kenma?!" I shout at him.

I knew the shouting would hurt him, but at this point, I just needed him to be awake. "Kenma, wake up!" I shake his shoulder as gently as possible, but still with enough force to hopefully wake the small boy up. No dice. "Damn it." I curse under my breath and lean back on my folded legs.

I run a hand through my hair as I look down at Kenma's expressionless features. With everyone out of the bus, I start to scan Kenma for his injuries—

He has a gash on the left side of his forehead, where blood leaks down into his swollen eye. I was sure his eye would be completely swollen shut within the next hour or so.

His left hand was turning purple, and with a quick peek under his sleeve, I realized his entire left side was bruising as well. That was gonna hurt when he woke up.

The most bleeding came from his right thigh, where something seemed to be stuck in it. I gently pulled at his pant leg, grimacing when I realized it was probably a chunk of the bus's exterior.

Oddly enough, the DS Kenma always seems to keep on his person had stopped the chunk from diving any deeper into his appendage. The screen of the console was cracked because of it, but I release a stressed chuckle as I realize the DS itself isn't actually broken. In fact, the device seemed to be fully functional. I set the console down and quickly start searching for something to soak up the bleeding with.

"Lev, pass me that bag!" I shout to my friend, who was currently trying to find a signal.

He chucks my backpack in my direction. I grab it from the air and pull out an extra pair of sweatpants I'd brought with me. I wrap the pants around Kenma's leg a few times, ultimately tying them off with a knot. "You're gonna be okay, kitten. Everything's gonna be okay." I try to reassure the pale boy laying lifeless below me.

He's gonna be okay, right?

Daichi's screaming had finally come to a halt. "Is he okay?" I ask Suga as he approaches me.

"Yeah, his shoulder was dislocated so I had to pop it back in. He's got a cut on his arm, but other than that, he should be pretty okay." Sugar explains. "How's it going, Kenma?" He kneels by the boy. "Kenma?" Suga lightly shakes the boy. When he doesn't reply, Suga begins to panic. "Did he pass out?"

I nod. I had asked Suga to stay with Kenma so I could help get everyone out in case the bus exploded.

I had asked Sugawara to watch my kitten.

And he walked away.

"I'm so sorry, Kuroo, I-" He stutters over his words. I can see the guilt in his eyes. "He's gonna be okay, I promise, it's just he said I could go help Daichi-"

I felt selfish chastising Suga for helping Daichi when he was in so much pain. But the guilt was overridden by my anger. "And you listened to him?" I raise my eyebrows at Suga. "Suga, he didn't even know what day it was and you trusted he could take care of himself?!"

"I'm so sorry!" Suga cries, his eyes looking anywhere but at me.

"Well, 'sorry' isn't gonna help Kenma, now is it?!" I yell at him.

"Did you try waking him up?" Suga whimpers, trying to placate the situation in any way he knew how.

"Oh, no, I just sat here like an idiot!" My voice dripped with sarcasm. "Of course I tried waking him up!" Normally, I wouldn't yell at anyone. I was never an aggressive person.

Well, not unless it was about Kenma, I wasn't.

"Guys!" Daichi's voice interrupts our battle. "Stop fighting, it's not gonna get anyone anywhere."

I sigh and run a hand down my face, wincing when my fingers graze the slice at my hairline. "Okay, okay-" I grumble.

"Now, does anyone have service?" Daichi shouts out. I look around at the few teens who have their phones up in the air, presumably searching for a signal. They all shake their heads. "Okay, okay-" Daichi thinks for another moment, his right arm clasping his left. "What about the bus driver?"

My voice is low, "Dead."

Everyone goes silent. "He's dead?!" Shoyo screams from the back of the crowd. He's only verbalized what we were all feeling. "You mean there's a dead guy in there?!" He points a finger at the bus.

"Try not to think too hard about it." Tsukishima murmurs from his place among the crowd. Tsukishima had been the one to find the body, I had been the second. Tsukishima isn't one I've known to express his emotions, but when I saw his face staring at the lifeless eyes of the bus driver...

"How's Kenma?" Daichi walks over, still clasping onto his arm.

"Not good." I reply reluctantly. "I don't even know how to take care of him, Daichi, I-"

"It's gonna be okay, Kuroo." He insists, but I can still feel the concern behind the words. He doesn't even believe them himself. He turns to the crowd of volleyball players, "Anyone know how to start a fire? It's only gonna get colder from here." A few of my teammates murmur affirmations and move to find wood among the forest trees.

I reach down and grab Kenma's hand. I wince as I realize just how cold it is.

That's something I can do!

I yank my sweatshirt from out of my backpack and gently lay it over Kenma's weak form. I'd put it on him entirely, but I'm worried moving him like that would only worsen his injuries. Next, I lay my second jacket over his legs. I have to keep him warm. For me, it was only a slight chill, but I knew Kenma had medical issues related to retaining warmth. "Does anyone a jacket I could borrow?" I shout out.

"Are you cold?" Lev asks from his place by the luggage. He's probably worried I'm in shock.

"No, Kenma has this issue with keeping warm and I didn't bring enough clothes to cover him." I explain and run a hand down my face exhaustedly. Apparently, more than just Lev had heard, considering the handfuls of jackets currently being passed my way. "Thanks, guys."

I gently lay the clothes on top of Kenma, careful to avoid aggravating the wound on his right thigh.

"This is fucking insane." Nishinoya gapes as he looks down at Kenma. "It was just a volleyball meet, I-"

I didn't have a reply. He was right, it was an innocent group of kids heading home after a volleyball match. Who knew things could go so wrong so fast?

Now I wasn't even sure I'd see Kenma's adorably harsh glare ever again. Hear the clicking of his DS as he plays his favorite game beside me on his bed. What was I supposed to do without him?

A small, orange flicker illuminates the space behind me. I turn around to find that Lev had managed to start a fire. "Yeah, Lev!" Shoyo cheers, "That was so cool!" I'm not sure Shoyo quite understands the weight of the situation.

As gently as I can manage, I loop my arms under Kenma's underarms and slowly drag him over to the fire to keep him warm. He looks even worse with the minimal light bringing attention to the gleam of blood splattered across his body. I lean my back against a nearby tree and bring Kenma up to my chest, his hips lying between my legs. I wrap my arms around him in an attempt to provide an extra boost of warmth.

The other players surround the fire, some laying down, others trying to keep each other entertained. "They should send help in the morning, once they realize we're gone." Daichi sighs and leans against a tree beside me.

I turn my attention to the small boy lying unconscious in my lap. "See? We're okay." I whisper into his ear. His pudding hair is caked in blood and dirt, making it look as if he had never died it blonde in the first place. "We're okay." A few tears prickle in the corners of my eyes. "Right, kitten?"

Exhaustion quickly catches up to me, sending me off into a light sleep.

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