Chapter 2: "Who are you?"

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Jasmine's P.O.V

I woke up, in a grassy area. I looked beyond the horizon, and smelled the fresh air. I slowly tried to stand, wobbling in the process. I lifted my hand up.

"What HAPPENED to me?!" I yelled. I was a lion now. I "Portal! Where are you?" I called out. I guess that necklace did actually have magic. I sighed, and tried to move but fell down. "Ugh, walking on four legs is harder than I thought." I whispered.

I decided to get some help.

I slowly got up again, and began walking. It was hard, but I got the hang of things. As I was walking, I spotted a big rock formation, and I walked towards it. I had no idea where I was.

Once I got there, there was this lion on top of the rock. Now that I clearly see it, I knew I was in the Pride Lands. But, I saw a young lioness sitting with the older one, which I knew was Simba.

I sighed and walked away. I knew Simba would never agree for me to live here, so I decided to shake it off, and ask someone else for help. As I walked, everyone looked so peaceful, eating, playing, sleeping, or anything else.

I felt happy, so I found a spot and rested there.

A little while later...

I got woken up, by the sound of somewhat lion and honey badger playing ball? I honestly didn't know what they were doing, but I decided to ask. By the time I got to them, that "ball" rolled over a ledge. 

I walked up to the males. I felt nervous to talk to strangers, but I decided to do it. But I guess I was  too slow because the male lion noticed me.

He got into attack mode.

"Who are you?! Are you spying on us?!" He asked. I looked at him nervously. "u-uhm...n-no?" I answered shaking. I heard what lions could do to you, and I don't want to die.

The lion realized I was scared, and stopped. "Oh, I'm sorry for scaring you, but who are you?" the lion asked again, a little kinder but still stern. His little friend, was just glaring at me, which didn't seem much threating to me.

I regained my confidence. "I-I'm...." I trailed off. Should I tell them my real name? I don't know, maybe I should in case they figure out. I breathed in. "I'm Jasmine."

The lion walked over to me. He put a paw on my back. "Hey, it's ok. I'm Kion." the lion whose name of Kion introduced. "And I'm Bunga! His bestest friend!" the honey badger introduced.

Kion rolled his eyes.

I calmed down. I looked at Kion with a smile. For some reason, he looked so cute. What the heck? I can't like a guy I just met!

(Meh: So if you don't understand, Jasmine obviously doesn't know what the Lion Guard is. So she basically knows the Lion King, and she doesn't know the Lion King 2 either. Her sister Kayla told her the Lion Guard was like a sequel to the Lion King, but Jasmine thought it was for kids, and she was way too grown up, well luckily, she'll learn how to be a kid again no matter how old she is.)

"So, I saw you guys playing with a ball, are you playing catch?" I asked. "Maybe." Kion replied. I raised a brow. "Isn't that childish, and boring?" I asked again. Kion looked at me. "So you don't play baobab ball?" Kion asked.

I shook my head no. "I'm too old to play things like these. Besides I don't even play with a fruit, I use a ball." I explained. Kion looked confused. "Errrm...ok?" I palmed my face. I'm in the Lion world! Ofc they don't get this. Ugh, I'm so stupid.

Kion looked around.

"Where is the ball?" he asked. Me and Bunga realized it was gone as well. I remembered something. "Oh! When I came I saw the ball roll over there." I said. We all ran over. Kion looked over the edge. "Aww game over."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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