Valentine (NSFW)

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A/N Oops a little late lol.

It was Valentine's Day, and Brett just came home from a tinder date. Some way to spend a special night, thought Eddy. Meeting some random girl at a random bar, perhaps sharing a few kisses, or if you're lucky enough, taking her back to your house for a fun night. What an absolute waste of time.

Not to say he wasn't surprised when Brett unlocked the door at 8:00 pm, though, looking out of spirits and worn to the bone. He closed the door behind him with a sigh, moving to take off his shoes.

"Hey, Brett. Didn't expect you home so early," Eddy said with a tad of sympathy, though the levels of sympathy he really had were less than a 'tad'. "You all good, bro?"

"Yeah, man, she kind of roasted me good," Brett explained, thinking back to the rough night he ended up having. "She was pretty upset when I didn't show up with flowers and chocolates on a day like today. I guess I was a little bit of a jerk for not going out of my way for Valentine's Day." His words said one thing, while his voice dripped with sarcasm.

Eddy laughed. "I get that." Eddy hesitated. "You know, she shouldn't have expected much from a tinder date. How high can your expectations really be with a stupid, unreliable app like that?" Eddy said with a laugh, which was awkwardly stopped by Brett's annoyed face. What had Eddy done now?

"Did I say something wrong?" Eddy had voiced his opinion of the app quite often, and he didn't think that Brett seemed to care, as he usually got no reaction out of him. The app was basically asking to be hated; the low success rate and warped idea of "swiping right" based off of looks? Come on, it's just such a stupid concept.

But, Brett didn't think the same way, as he used the app quite often. He was lonely, despite being with Eddy, and hey, a man needs a release whenever he can get one. He obviously wasn't going to do anything with his best friend, so hot girl on tinder it would have to be. Besides, grinding and dancing were more Brett's scene, and Eddy wouldn't even want to come.

"Nothing, man. You didn't say anything wrong per say, I just like the app." Brett voiced, nonchalantly. "Although, I bet you wouldn't even be able to match with anyone, you ugly bastard!" At this, Eddy playfully shot off of the couch position he was in and zoned in on Brett, ready to tackle him to the ground.

And now, here they are, running around the apartment before Eddy catches Brett and tackles him to the ground, pinning him.

"Take it back, bitch." Eddy spits with mock-anger. "You know I'm a ten. I could match with 5 times as many people as you ever have in less than an hour.

Brett squirmed, trying to get out of Eddy's impenetrable grasp, but it was no use. The only two options were to take back what he said, which he was never going to do, or to endure and ignore. Of course, he wasn't about to lode his dignity and pride over this, so he would not take it back, and he instead chooses the latter. He shows Eddy that he wont take it back by pursing his lips and turning away defiantly with a 'hmph'.

"Oh, so it's gonna be like that, huh?" Eddy throws out, threatening Brett semi-jokingly now. His eyes were changing from a playful spark to a dark, mischievous flicker. He began to move his hips into small circles, half-grinding against the man beneath him.

Ohhh, I know what he's doing. Brett realizes as he feels his completely involuntary bodily reaction to Eddy's treatment. He could feel he crotch get more and more stiff the more circles it encountered.

Eddy lowered his face down until he made it so that him and Brett were sharing the same air. Brett's breath hitched as Eddy began to seriously grind against his covered cock, and as much as he tried to suppress it, a strangled moan slips out. Brett's ears go red in embarrassment upon hearing this moan, and giving Eddy the satisfaction that what he is doing is working.

In response to the incredibly hot moan on Brett's end, Eddy lowered himself down even more than he already was, his hot breath tickling Brett's ears. He whispers something into Brett ears, brushing his hot breath and soft lips onto Brett's earlobe, creating goosebumps and blush across the entirety of Brett's body.

"I won't let you go unpunished, Brett," Eddy whispers, thrusting against Brett's crotch now. "Maybe I'll paddle your ass until you're so pink that you can't sit normally for weeks. Maybe I'll pound into you so hard, and deep, and fast," Each word punctuated with a thrust, "You'll cum so many times that you'll beg for me to stop, but I'll pound mercilessly until you pass out. And don't assume I'll stop then. The fun will have just begun."

Eddy chuckles as he pulls his mouth away from Brett's ear, transitioning to his mouth. Brett is so close to cumming, and Eddy is making it even less bearable when he grinds on him with more force, something Brett couldn't imagine was possible. Eddy's lips are now millimeters away from Brett's, so close to touching that Brett can feel the ghost of anticipation loom over his skin. They're so close, Eddy just needed to lean in a bit more...

Abruptly, Eddy climbs off of Brett, no kiss involved in the situation, no explanation as to why he was leaving. He's leaving Brett stranded here! Maybe he's going to get lube...? Brett's thoughts are put to rest when Eddy plops down on the couch, and starts scrolling through his phone as if nothing just happened.

What the hell, Eddy? Who knew you were such a cock-tease! Come back here! What's going on? It's safe to say that Brett is enraged right now, in addition to his extreme arousal from the previous situation. He's so hungry for Eddy, he is so ready for him to fulfill his promises, to slap him and abuse him and use him as his pet. So why did he leave?

To be continued...

A/N: Should this chapter have a second part? I kind of gave up on it a while back. Let me know what you think in the comments. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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