Practice Party (NSFW)

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Eddy looked up at the clock in math tutoring, practically feeling the ticking of the clock in the rhythm of his heart, anticipating the night to come. Brett glanced over at Eddy, sensing his anxiety and uneasiness. He nudged his elbow, startling Eddy and causing him to jump. Brett looked questioningly at Eddy and Eddy shot him a reassuring glance back, but not putting Brett at ease at all. What Brett didn't know was that Eddy was really freaking out. 

Despite being anti-social and slightly awkward around most of the students that they knew, they were invited to the annual New Year's Eve Party at some random girl's house with tons of people that they haven't interacted with at all. There was a reason for Eddy to be so nervous; he had no idea what to say or how to act in the midst of alcohol and partying teenagers. What would he wear? Would people even like him? Should he drink? How would he act if he was drunk? What mistakes would he make? Would Brett find out about...

He stopped his thoughts from spiraling further, seeing as Brett was still looking, and could read him like a book. He couldn't let Brett know. He couldn't let anyone know about anything. He decided that he wasn't going to drink at all that night, staying sober to guard his secret and keep anything too bad from happening. 

"Alright, we will go over limits next week, thank you all for attending over break, I know it can be slightly discouraging," their professor said. "Just know that I am proud that all of you have chosen to stick with this, and I'll see you next week! You are free to leave." Eddy slowly began to pack up his stuff, looking more preoccupied than before despite trying to hide how he felt. 

"Ok man, seriously, what is going on. I've never seen you this nervous and distracted at the same time." Brett patted Eddy on the shoulder. "Are you sure you're alright, because you know you can talk to me about anything." Eddy was thinking something along the lines of 'how ironic,' not noticing Brett's hand lingering a few more seconds than it should have, or the growing blush in Brett's cheeks as he realizing he probably should have pulled his hand away a second earlier. Brett wiped his hands on his jeans and looked down at Eddy, expecting an answer.

Eddy hesitated. "I - I just don't know if I can come to this party. It seems like too much, and it's way out of my comfort zone." Brett's gaze turned soft at the confession. "I don't want to drink and say or do something stupid in front of everyone, you know?" Brett was initially worried about this when they got invited, but him knowing Eddy so well, he had practically prepared a speech to get him excited about it again. 

"I totally, completely understand, dude. It may seem like it will be a little intense. But, just think about it. What other chance are we going to get to be invited to a party like this? I mean, we pretty much know that we are going to be musicians when we grow up, and everything is going to be studying and practicing from this moment on." Brett noticed Eddy considering what he was saying as his demeanor changed. So, he went on, more energy-filled and compelled this time. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! We should take it! Have the time of our lives for one night so we can live a little! Besides, you don't have to drink, and I don't have to either. We can stay side-by-side the whole time, and if you don't like it, we can go home right away!"

This seemed to re-energize Eddy a little, and he seemed to be a little more excited and cheerful. Brett took this as a super good sign, and pried him a little more, asking him to say yes. Eddy eventually gave in and nodded. "Yes! Great! Call your mum and we can arrange a 'sleepover' at my place!" Brett had already called his mum the day before, Eddy knew, because he was so jealous when Brett's mom not only allowed him to go to a high school party, but even congratulated him on getting there. Eddy's mum would never allow it. Lying it was. 

After the call, and everything was sorted out, the two boys went over to Brett's place to pick out outfits and hang out a bit before the party. Brett's mother made delicious gua bao that they got to munch on while Brett and Eddy picked out what they were going to wear. Eddy stayed over so often that he had accumulated enough scraps of clothing to reserve his own part of the closet, so he got to choosing some of his larger shirts. He decided to go with an oversized sweater over a collared shirt and some baggy jeans. Brett went with a jean jacket and some sweatpants. In Eddy's opinion, Brett even made sweatpants and a sweatshirt look like a million dollars. 'In a friendly way, obviously,' Eddy thought to himself. He couldn't get ahead of himself and break down before they even got to the party.

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