Chapter 1: Into the darkness

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Signs flew by as I rushed down the dark road. I have no idea where I am, or where I am going. All I know is I have to get there as fast as I can. The darkness shrouds me like a blanket. I can barely see the lines on the road. The flashing of shadows on the windows as I rushed down this road. All of a sudden a man appeared in front of me, I have no time to stop. The sound of him hitting the front of my car was unlike anything I have ever heard. Haunting is the best way to describe it. Knowing I just killed a man I'm in instant panic. I stumbled out of my car and walked over to the mangled body. With the red of the break lights being my only light it was hard to make out exactly what condition the man was in. His neck was broken for sure, I could see the bone. I look around for someone to help, I cry out "help there's been an accident!" No reply. Almost as soon as I finished my sentence the car turned off. "Piece of junk." I whispered to myself. I looked back and the body was gone. It was almost as if he had just gotten up and walked off. I get up from the kneeling position I was in, and I walk out of the tunnel I was in. There was just a bridge that went forever into nothingness. I begin to walk towards the bridge, then the man from earlier was right in front of me blocking my way. But there was someone else there, but it was hard to make out. I heard a cry all of a sudden. "Jonas! Jonas!" I recognized the voice right away. "Kylee! Is that you?!" I began to get closer and I could make out my wife's face and the blade the man was holding to her neck. "No! Please don't!" I yelled out, pleading. "Jonas!" She cried I watched as the blade went across her throat and the blood rushed down unlike anything I had ever seen. "No! Why me?!" I yell out but there was nothing but darkness...

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