chapter 4 : THE AVATAR'S BIRTHDAY (part 1)

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They were at Aang's birthday celebration that Zuko had ordered the servants to drum up immediately after they had learned that it was that day. Being unprepared, his friends had no gifts to offer him other than their companionship but Zuko's servants had laid out cakes, cookies, fire flakes, and wine

"Of course...a....a...Aang can join you" Sokka drunkenly stuttered. It had been too late when he discovered that Fire Nation wine was stronger than what was normally served at Water Tribe celebrations. "...he...he's your boyfriend...your boyfriend...friend who is a boy...friend who you..."

"Anything to get away from him right now" Aang added.

" got a problem with can spray...say it to my fist" Sokka said as he flopped his arm forward and collapsed unconscious on the ground.

"It's all right people" Toph announced as may looked at him. "He's lying on his stomach. He'll live through the night if we leave him like that."

Aang and Katara left the party room and walked out onto a balcony over-looking the ocean. "Why didn't you tell us it was your birthday Aang?" Katara asked.

"Because it isn't really a big deal" he answered densely. "It's the day you were born, that's a big deal to all of us."

"When I was growing up in the Southern Air Temple birthdays weren't a big deal. An Air Nomad is supposed to detach himself from worldly concerns and material possessions. There aren't any presents or parties; all you do is eat a cake with your guardian."

"That's kind of awful Aang."

"Not really, an Air Nomad's life is supposed to be humble and simple."

"I think we both know that as long as you're the Avatar your life will never be like that." "You're probably right" Aang laughed.

"I'm serious Aang" Katara said. "You may have been born an Air Nomad but you have to remember that as the Avatar you'll always be someone of all four of the nations."

"You're right. I never thought of it like that. But then..." "But what?"

"Then the Air Nation is truly gone. The fact that the Avatar is an Airbender doesn't mean anything, he...or she of course...always is. There are no true Air Nomads left."

"How could you say that Aang?" "Because it's true."

"Aang it matters more than anything in the world that you're here and you're an Airbender" Katara comforted moving closer to Aang. "If it wasn't for you then Ozai would have destroyed the Earth Kingdom."

"That didn't bring me any closer to saving my people" Aang scoffed. "The monks, the lemurs, the bison, they're all gone."

"They won't be gone forever Aang."

"Even if we bring back the monks, the lemurs and bison will still be gone."

"We don't know that for sure. Momo survived in the Southern Air Temple; maybe there are more lemurs and maybe even bison."

"Probably not."

"There's still hope Aang. There's always hope."

Aang smiled. "And you're always there to remind me of that." They hugged warmly. "I love you Katara."

"I love you too Aang. We'll always be together." "Always."

"From now to the day we get married till the day we die." "Married...thinking that far ahead huh?"

"Of course."

"Of course, there's no one I'd want to make new Airbenders with more." "Of course...they don't all have to be Airbenders."

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