Chapter 3 : The meeting of the white Lotus society

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Its been a week since Zuko asked Order of the White Lotus to gather at the Fire nation Palace for a meeting about the situation of Aang and the Air nation .... and they gathered but were waiting for something or someone in particular when Katara Bursts open.

"What's taking them so long?" Katara asked irately as she scanned the sky.

"Relax Katara they're flying all the way from Ba Sing Se" Aang reminded. It had been a week and a half since Zuko's birthday and the members of the Order of the White Lotus had gathered at the Fire Nation Palace to hear the proposal.

"But the meeting's going to start soon and they shouldn't miss any of it."

"And they won't, look!" No sooner had Aang said that then the silhouette of a giant bison soaring through the sky appeared. The bison known as Appa landed on the ground in front of Aang and Katara.

The members of Team Avatar had been resting at the Jasmine Dragon tea shop in Ba Sing Se after the war had ended, but Zuko had to return to the Fire Nation to rule as Fire Lord. When his birthday began to approach, Aang, Katara and Sokka flew to the North Pole to visit the Spirit Oasis. Since Appa still had his summer coat and could not endure the frigid cold, he and Sokka returned to Ba Sing Se and a Dai Li assassination attempt on the Earth King had kept them and the rest of Team Avatar busy in the following time.

Sokka jumped down from Appa's head and harness. He had been steering in Aang's absence since despite Aang's position as the Avatar, Sokka was the unofficial leader of Team Avatar.

Like his sister, Sokka's skin was tan in a way that resembled an Inuit and he had dark hair and blue eyes. He was wearing his usual Water Tribe clothes and slung over his back were the holders of a boomerang, a metal club similar to the Zulu iwisa, and a jian, the Chinese straight-sword.

Aang and Katara ran up and hugged Sokka. "Aang, Katara!" the Water Tribe warrior beamed. "How are my favorite Avatar and sister?"

"Just great Sokka" Katara said.

"How are things back in the Earth Kingdom?" Aang asked.

Sokka answered, "Well I finally found my sword and boomerang, Toph is learning how to make tea, and Suki actually managed to beat Iroh in a game of Pai Sho. Oh and the Dai Li tried to kill

the Earth King."

"What?" Aang and Katara asked in unison.

"Please like some well-planned, incredibly organized, and ruthless assassination attempt is any problem for Team Avatar" Sokka boasted.

"Yeah we put them in their place" a triumphant voice from the top of Appa bragged. The source of the voice, a small girl jumped onto the ground. The girl was Toph Bei Fong. She was very short and wore her dark hair in a bun. Her eyes were a greenish-dead-grey for she was blind, though this handicap did little to limit her since she could use her amazing Earthbending abilities to sense vibrations in the earth to see shapes.

"How are you doing Twinkle-toes and Sugar Queen?" Toph asked fondly using the nicknames she had bestowed upon her two friends that reflected their lighthearted natures in comparison to her, rough around the edges personality.

Aang and Katara hugged her as well. Though Toph was considered tough and blunt, she was not beyond showing affection.

"It's nice to see you too."

Sokka's girlfriend Suki then climbed down from Appa. She was a Kyoshi Warrior and wore leather armor and face-paint similar to that of a Japanese geisha. Strapped to her belt were a war fan and a katana, a curved two-handed sword.

"Is there room for one more?" she asked as she stood next to Sokka.

"You don't really need to be in uniform Suki, it's not like we're going into battle" Aang pointed out. "Please you know this uniform is the honor of a Kyoshi warrior. I hate taking it off" Suki remarked. "Plus I love my women painted and ready for battle" Sokka said, wrapping his arm around Suki. "That'll come in handy with having to put up with you" Katara teased. Everyone laughed.

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