Chapter 57 (last official chapter)

Start from the beginning

"Z, what are you doing?!"

I walked out of the room, ahead of him and easily orchestrated my way through the corridors into the kitchen.

I walked in on the two sisters' hushed talking. When they saw me they were surprised. Bella quickly got up and gave me a hug. Her arms were wrapped so tightly around mine, I felt terrible for mine being weak around hers for a minute.

"Ok, let go, enough lovey-dovey." I let go reluctantly, leaving Bella hurt and confused. "Ugh, you really got company. I'll be back."

The moment she was out of my head most of the physical pain left.

I was still being controlled by her and I didn't like it. She called me a coward. She's called me so many things. None of which I liked and so wouldn't like to repeat. I'm not gonna let her get the satisfaction, nor the upper hand.

"Zendaya... What are you doing?"

I just leaned up on the sink, suddenly not feeling so 'weak' anymore. I looked to my right at the utensils. Too obvious.

"That bitch thinks she can control me." I could feel the angry tears rolling down my cheeks. "She doesn't know a damn thing."

I stormed right back into the room I was in and retrieved something underneath the pillow. I locked the door and quickly did it.

TW: self-harm

On the insides of both my thighs and along the top my thighs. I guess they're gonna be surprised in a few minutes. I'm tired of her and of everything else. I'm not letting it go on any longer. I had at least twenty not-so-light lines on each inner thigh and a few on top of each. It didn't even feel painful. I guess those receptors died earlier today. I'm already dying anyway. At this rate, it will take me 10 minutes to bleed out... if I stay in one spot.

"Why you little-"

"FUCK OFF AND FUCK OUT MY HEAD! I'M NOT YOURS ANYMORE AND NEVER WILL BE!!" I left the house quiet and she went quiet in my head. "You have NO control over me. I have it all. You are not welcome in my head nor body."

I could feel the resistance she was putting up. She wanted to have control, all along I was giving her permission to. Now she doesn't have it, she's... puny.
It took a while but she was finally out of my head. My head was silent. Everything seemed quiet until I heard a knock at the door. I forgot they were here for a while.

I pulled down the multi-layered skirt and walked over to the door. nearly tripping. The skirt was also ankle length.

I exhaled and blinked, seeing the first sign I was going. A dot at the corner of my vision. 8 more minutes. I opened the door to four faces of anticipation.

"She isn't gonna bother me anymore." I smiled and they gathered around hugging me.

"You finally did it, oh thank the GODS!" Dani YELLED. It sounded distorted for a bit.

My eyes fluttered a bit. No, no regrets, stop. I hadn't realized I had my eyes down. When I looked up, they had questioning looks on their faces. No.

"Guys, I'm still just dizzy, that's all."

I took Bella's hand in mine and walked to the dinner table with her.

They joined a minute later and sat by us.

Bella was talking and asking questions and I got a few words in when she asked about the experiences. It was all well for the next few minutes. It was only a matter of minutes until I would get dizzy and drowsy.


I turned my head in the opposite direction before I could locate where the voice was coming from. If they were gonna try to save me it would still be too late. I could feel my heart beating fast with each passing minute.

I don't even think I can feel my own legs now.

"Daya, give me your hand!" Storm urged.

I waved my hand over to her as I faded in and out(of consciousness). I could hear everything they said, but couldn't see half as good.

"How the fuck is she so cold, What did you do?"

"I did it before she did." I slurred and felt guilt.

No turning back now.

I could feel them looking on my arms for any indicator.


I rested my head on the table. Rather, knocked it. Sending panic and a kaleidoscope in my vision.

I'm guessing It's Bella that lifted my skirt and took a look. The shriek sent everyone panicking. Even the babies I forgot about started to cry. For some reason that made my heart physically hurt.

The next thing I register, is me being on the ground and A crying Shawn MENDES trying to heal the wounds. Bella was trying to help and noticed me not breathing well. She did some chest compressions and freaked when she heard bones break. I couldn't believe that my ribcage broke THAT easily.

Then again, osteoporosis happened.

I was numb to the pain anyways.

They had to get her out of the room, with the way she was being so hysterical.

"Come on. you got this. Your wounds are almost healed, you didn't lose too much, you'll be fine." Dani assured with her voice cracking.

I managed a weak chuckle.

You didn't check the back. I looked at them before I couldn't see anything at all. And I'm lacerated on the inside too. Even though She did that part.


I half-closed my eyes as the best and most precious memories played.


The day I got a dog.


The day we buried him.


When I found love for the first time.


then found actual love with Bella


Finally being somewhat myself as the demon 'hybernated' and I enjoyed some of the Christmas.


all the love they showed me


"I love you all, I'm s.. orry..."

One tear.

No sound.

My hearing stopped.

My breathing stopped.

My heart would beat no longer.

Just, Black.

Word count: 1598

Why did I fucking make myself cry?!

A twist In My life *completed* March 24 2021*sniffle*Where stories live. Discover now