"Right! He will definitely take care of his upbringing." - the redhead quickly realized, helping his friend to carry out her plan.

“For God's sake! Pull yourself together, you are going to the Dark Forest. You have to be on the lookout there...” - Filch grumbled ominously.

"In the forest? I thought you were kidding! We can't go there. This is prohibited for students. There are... werewolves." - Malfoy whimpered.

“There are worse things in this forest than werewolves... You can be sure! Good night." - Filch replied.

Nesta felt uneasy. They wouldn't send eleven-year-olds to dangerous areas, would they?

"Let's go."  - hurried them Hagrid.


They walked silently between the trees, emerging deeper and deeper into the cold darkness of the forest. Fang ran ahead with surprising briskness. If the huge coward is not afraid, then there is no risk, but Nesta couldn't get rid of an anxious feeling... Bad things would happen, she felt it, so she carefully looked around, peering into every bush.
The company approached a huge littered tree. A silvery puddle glistened at its roots. Hagrid bent down and dipped his fingers into the liquid. The substance dripped slowly from his hand as he examined it closely.

"Hagrid, what is this?" - Harry asked.

“That's what we're here for... See? It's unicorn blood." - answered the half-giant.

Ron raised his eyebrows in surprise. Nesta's anxiety increased.

“A couple of weeks ago I found a dead unicorn, and now someone badly hurt this one.” - led further Rubeus.

Nesta turned her head sharply to the right. It seemed to her that something rustled in the bushes. A figure in a black cloak flashed a couple of meters away. The girl blinked in fright. The figure disappeared. Lupin turned to her friends, checking to see if anyone had seen. She met the equally frightened Potter's gaze. The girl exhaled, after all she was not crazy, and there really was someone there.

“Okay guys. We need to find the poor animal...” - Hagrid began to distribute instructions. - "Ron, Hermione, you're  coming with me."

“Okay…” - Ron choked out.

"Nesta and Dea, you go there." - the keeper pointed to the path behind him.

The girls nodded.

"Harry, you go with Malfoy."

"Okay, but I'll take Fang!" - Malfoy exclaimed.

"Perfect! Just know, he is very afraid...” - answered Hagrid.

The sly grin instantly disappeared from Draco's face, and the mastiff whimpered softly, confirming his master's words.
Everyone went their separate ways.
Dea and Nesta got a hilly path overgrown with bushes. Lupin walked forward confidently, holding the lantern.

"Aren't you afraid?" - Dea asked quietly.

“I am afraid. But I convince myself otherwise." - Nes answered calmly.

"Huh... And you fit all the stereotypes about Gryffindor." - Amaretto chuckled.

Nesta stopped abruptly.

"What are you talking about?" - she wondered, narrowing her eyes.

“Brave and self-confident. Fear is hidden behind a mask of calm. You always ask for trouble, protecting everyone. Typical lioness."  - explained Dea.

Lupin felt a slight prickling sensation in her heart. It seemed to her that the Slytherin was taunting and trying to hurt her. The girl did not understand why, because she was just trying to make friends.

"And I doubted that Slytherin is your house... Now I see it is perfect for you."  - the brunette decided to parry the same. - "You believe every single stereotype and use the virtues of the faculties as a reason to ridicule them... Typical snake."

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