Chapter 15

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We fled with all our strength. Me, Seamus and Neville. Last week my friend got tired of my sociopathy and decided to take matters into his own hands. Now the three of us were studying in the library, sitting there until curfew. In addition to homework, I was looking for information about magical marks. A swan with a half heart could not be erased by any spell, but it didn't hurt no longer. Luckily, Dumbledore has kindly agreed to grant me access to the Forbidden Section, but under the supervision of Madame Pince. He knew one hundred percent what was the matter, but believed that I would figure it out myself.
Around the corner we stopped to catch our breath. Books on various subjects fell out of hand, urging the cat to appear next to us this very second, followed by Filch's grumbling. We were in such a hurry that I forgot to put them in a backpack dangling on my back.

“Let's run!” - I shouted, levitating the books behind me. 

Simple spells were intuitive. The guys in a hurry rushed after me.  There is another staircase, and we are at Gryffindor Tower. Friends told the password, but I hesitated.  It is embarrassing to enter the abode of the "enemy house". Neville pulled me at the moment when Filch appeared at the portrait of the Fat Lady.
I flew into the Gryffindor Common Room. A round, cozy room decorated in red and gold tones greeted me with warmth and cordiality. The already familiar red-haired wizards sat up late on soft armchairs. I walked slowly around the living room, enjoying the silence. On one of the walls I noticed a stand with advertisements painted in bright colors, on the second - the greatest work of art.

"Neville, this is the series "The Lady with the Unicorn"! " - I exclaimed in admiration, coming closer. - "French tapestries of the 15th century, the finest work."

I touched it. Someone coughed from behind.

"Lady, have you not mistaken a common room?" - one of the twins asked.

This was the second time I saw them together, so I couldn't tell them apart.

I shook my head.

"What's the difference, George!  The boys will tell you everything now." - suggested the unfamiliar Gryffindor. 

I might be wrong, but I saw her a couple of times in Quidditch practice when I was walking around.
They looked expectantly at my new company. Seamus sighed.

“We were running from Filch.” - he started.

"Yes, Mrs. Norris showed up as soon as we stopped. She's definitely a mutant or a notorious vampire" - supported  him Neville.

“He would have caught up with Dea and she already has a month of detention with Snape. We let her in.” - Seamus continued, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.

The twins simultaneously hit their forehead with the palm of their hand.

"Idiots! What an idiots!" - muttered Fred (?).

"How are you going to return her?"  - shouted his brother. 

The senior girl twisted a finger at her temple.

"Maybe she will enchant herself?  Like she did to me." - said the redhead. 

I couldn’t help but dropped the books on his feet. Yes, they all flew around us. The guy screamed in pain. It serves him right. There will be less chatter.

"Okay, I'll keep quiet."

We sat in armchairs by the fireplace. I stuffed the books into my backpack so that they would not fall on the head of a particular redhead once again. The brothers sat down on either side of me, the Gryffindor girl sat in the chair to the right, and Neville and Seamus climbed in to the left.
Discussion began. The guys threw away the first ideas, after which a strange girl left our company, making room for Finnigan. He was tired of sharing a chair with Neville and happily climbed up with his feet. The conversation went livelier, capturing more details of the twins' mischievous life. We laughed at every joke. Fewer ideas with common sense slipped into the description of the carefree everyday life of the merry fellows, I got more sleepy. I put my head on the shoulder of one of the brothers.  He did not mind.
Plunging into another prank, we did not hear how someone entered the common room.

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