Chapter 4

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After changing my clothes, I left the dressing room and returned to the compartment. Buttercup was waiting for me there. The boys also changed. I sat down and looked out the window. The sky, like everything around, was filled with darkness, obscuring the view of the station.

Five minutes later, the train began to slow down, wheels creaking, and drove up to the only platform. The cobblestone platform was immediately filled with students. I looked at a distance, noticing the houses, made of a beautiful stone, glowing in the dark.

Taking the bag from the shelf, I hugged Buttercup tighter and went out after the boys.
At the station we were greeted by an extremely tall man in an old shabby coat and with coarsely styled hair and a beard. He held a huge lantern in his hand.

"So, first-years. All to me!" - his voice boomed.

"Come here, guys, don't hesitate!" - the giant added gently.

"Wow..." - I heard Ron sigh.

Harry confidently walked towards the man.

"Hi, Harry!" - he greeted. 

His huge face brightened, and the wrinkles smoothed out.

"Hi, Hagrid!" -the boy said happily.

"Whoa!'' - the Weasley drawled again, staring at the giant.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled sweetly at our first acquaintance.

"So, everyone follow me to the boats, do not lag behind!"  - he called out to the children, trying to count them, but getting lost every time.

We boarded the boats by four people in one. Ron, Harry and I got into the boat with Hagrid.  The rest distributed by themselves. While we were swimming across the lake, I could not take my eyes off the majestic castle in front of me. 

The ancient building towered over the water and shone with thousands of lights, reflecting in a similar picture in the mirror of water. Sharp spiers of the towers cut into the sky, cutting through rare clouds. Harry and Ron were quietly talking about something, but I had no time for them. I could not sit still, worrying about sorting.

When we reached the shore, we were taken along corridors and stairs to a huge door.

"Great Hall." - I guessed.

At the door stood a stern-looking woman, tall and slender, wearing a pointed hat with a feather.  The wrinkles covering her face did not ruin her beauty in any way but only added more charm.

"Welcome!" - she greeted. - "In a few minutes you will enter these doors and join your fellow students. Before you take your seats, you will be sorted into your houses. It's Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin... As long as you are here, your house will be your family."

Then the witch continued her story about the points and the cup but I no longer listened, because I had read about them in the books presented by my father. Instead, I wondered which house I want to get into.

Her lecture, as well as my thoughts, was interrupted by a boy, throwing himself at the witche's feet after a toad, peacefully sitting at the hem of her robes.

"Trevor!" - the boy exclaimed.

The woman cast a stern look on the violator of the silence, under which he shyly climbed back into the crowd.

"Now the sorting ceremony will take place." - she said sternly and left, leaving us alone.

"So... Is it true what they were saying on the train?" - sounded behind my back.

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