And the two other's????

Sfx: *creek*

Ohh the right side is study room and the left side is bedroom

Ohh the right side is study room and the left side is bedroom

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Ohhh i smell something

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Ohhh i smell something.....yummy~~


I ran downstairs and go to the door of the kitchen

Ohh what are you cooking?-i said and rest my chin in her shoulder

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Ohh what are you cooking?-i said and rest my chin in her shoulder

Here-she and point at the food

Here-she and point at the food

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Wow where did you learn to cook something like this and?? SWEET SOUR!!-i shout as i saw the sweet and sour

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Wow where did you learn to cook something like this and?? SWEET SOUR!!-i shout as i saw the sweet and sour

Should we eat them while we watch the replay video?-i ask her exitedly and she nod

Let's go-she said and i help her put the food in the living room

-living room-

I play it now ok?-i said and she nod before i play the replay video

What university is this again?-i ask her

It's the angelwood and the paradise-she said and i nod


While we watch we saw something that we did not expect

Unnie you saw what i see right?-i ask her and she nod slowly

Do you think we just see it misunderstood or is it clearly......cheating??-i ask her

Well we see it clearly so i guess it is cheating and they won look angelwood is the winner they cheat-she said serously

Should we say this to ask her and she nod

We should and tomorrow our enemy is the freedom university so when we win tomorrow we will fight them we have to solve this-she said and i nod

-time skip-

Woahh i hope nothing happen-i said in frustating tone

Don't worry-she said and i smile

Shoud we sleep now im tired-i said and she nod before we walk upstairs


So goodnight tzuyu-yah-she said and kiss my forehead before pecking my lips

I love you and goodnight too-i said and hug her

I love you too-she said and hug me tightly

Good night my eyes hurt

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now