chapter 3

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My eyes slowly blinked awake and my presence was brought back to real life. My eyes darted around the room, not recognizing its surroundings. I realized that this whole moving thing wasn't just a bad dream but really happened. Rolling over on my bed to grab my phone to check the time and saw it read 12:55 pm. Grunting I rolled out of bed stepping on one of my boxes silently cursing at myself. I walked down the stairs to be greeted by my parents in the kitchen cooking breakfast. The smell of eggs and bacon filled up my nostrils.

"good morning well afternoon now sleeping beauty" Mother called out to me when she noticed my appearance in the door frame of the room.

"morning mum and dad what's for breakfast," I asked wondering into the room I already know what it is I'm just making sure my nose isn't disappointing me. My dad looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

"you mean for lunch" He joked around making me roll my eyes and laugh a little at his so-called 'joke'.

"ha ha very funny dad I was awake till like 3 in the morning organizing my room and I haven't even decorated it yet" I explain to my parents.

"well anyways you're awake now so sit down and have breakfast that I made for you" My mum pushed me to sit down at the table and shoved my breakfast in my face. I gobbled that up like I haven't eaten in years.

Time skip:

Sitting down on my bed as I have just finished decorating most of my room I just need to make it look a lot more appealing and make it feel more like home. Reaching down to my bag I pulled out the box Amber gave me before I left. Opening the box again brought memories, but not wanting to cry again I had to hold back the tears as hard as I could and pulled out the photos she gave me and got off my bed. I walked over to a wall where I left it blank so I could decorate it. I pull out each photo smiling at them welcoming the memories they each brought. I ran downstairs and grabbed some blue tack and stuck the photos up on the wall and around my room when I had leftovers.

While doing this I played some music and started jamming out to it by bubbing my head up and down or jumping around or even singing. I got interrupted when I heard a knock at my door and turned around from what I was doing grabbing my phone in the process to turn off the music.

"come in" I commanded for whoever was on the other side of the door to come in. My mother walked into the room wearing a long-sleeved white shirt that had wholes in the sleeves and a long flowy yellow skirt with flower designs. She wore high heels that were white and were matching her outfit.

"Why do you look so fancy for?" I question her confused as to why she looks so beautiful for no reason.

"y/n didn't your father tell you?" I shook my head looking even more confused as to what my dad should have told me.

"oh well we are going over to the neighbour's house next door so get ready and look good don't go in that and be downstairs in 10 minutes," mother said to me and I nodded agreeing and she left my room going back downstairs. I think for a moment staring at the wall till all the information hit me. wait we're going over to our neighbour's house for dinner and I only have ten minutes to get ready omg I don't have enough time. I run to my cupboard and threw my clothes around my room that was clean to find something acceptable to wear. Finally, I find this green skirt with a flower pattern on it and a white crop top that wasn't too short but still showed skin. I then quickly stripped off my clothes and changed. Once changed I grab my denim jacket and ran to the bathroom to do my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and start to brush my h/c hair.

I put my hair into a half up half down hairstyle and smiled at myself for looking pretty good for only ten minutes to get ready. I then looked down at my body not feeling very confident with the way it looked. This is why I cover up my body what if they have someone my age there and what if its a girl she would definitely judge me. 

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