Chapter 13

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"Happy nine months Georgie!" Dream burst into George's apartment.

George was on a call though and his eyes widened, mouthing sorry at the brunette.

The brunette rolled his eyes, and continued to talk to whoever was on the phone.

About five minutes later George finally said his goodbyes, and then looked at his boyfriend, "happy nine months."

"Well you could be more excited," Dream teased, handing him a bag, "open it."

George peered cautiously into the bag, and then pulled out a small teddy bear with a flower crown on.

"Dream... it's so cute... thank you." George smiled sadly at him.

"Why do you look so... sad?" Dream pulled him in for a hug, petting the brunette's hair.

"That call... Dream I was offered a job," George pushed his boyfriend away, and Dream looked at him incredulously, "okay...? You're offered jobs all the time?"

"It's... In the UK," George replied carefully. Dream tilted his head, "I'm confused, what are you trying to tell me?"

"Dream... there's no easy way to say this... but I took the job," George pursed his lips, "it's where I grew up..."

"I know, but what does this mean...?" Dream searched George's eyes.

"It means I'm moving back to the UK," George smiled weakly, "and that... I'm..."

"No... no Georgie, please," Dream begged, tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm breaking up with y-you," George faltered, trying not to cry.

"W-why? George come on," Dream stared at him, and he trembled, "I don't want to put you through long distance, you deserve better."

"George we can make it work, please?" Dream begged again, but George shook his head.

"I'm leaving in a week, so..." George looked down at the floor.

Dream stood silently for a moment, and then muttered, "I should've known your work was more important than me. You already told me that, I should've listened."

"Dream-" George started, but the blonde just spun around and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

George tried to hold it together, but he started sobbing, sinking down to the floor he brung his knees up to his chest.


"He just... did it again Sapnap," Dream cried into his friends shoulder, "I never learn!"

"Shh... it's okay," Sapnap rubbed his friends back, "why he would decide to move back so suddenly is strange, don't you think?"

"He got a job offering!" Dream winced.

"Mhm... I'm sorry Dream," Sapnap sympathized.

Two years later...

"Sapnap, just kill the stupid thing already!" Dream wheezed into his mic.

Dream had got Sapnap interested in streaming, and the two streamed together as much as possible in between their jobs.


"Oh... Hold on," Dream paused his game, looking at his phone.

George: Can we talk?

Dream stared at his phone in astonishment, and then answered.

It's been two years George.

George: I know... please?

I'm streaming, you'll have to wait.

George: Okay?

After he turned his attention back to his stream and tried to forget about George for the time being.

About an hour later he ended the stream, making sure everything was off, he picked up his phone and laid down on his bed.

So... What do you want?

George responded almost immediately.

George: I'm moving back to the US


George: I know things aren't going to be the same...

No, they aren't.

George: do we even have a chance anymore?

Dream thought for a moment, and then decided on an answer.

No, we're done forever George. Maybe it's best if you just... stayed where you are.

George: I can't do that, but fine, I'll... keep my distance.


Dream shut off his phone, tossing it to the side.

He had thought George was the literal definition of "right person, wrong time," but clearly he was wrong.

Everything he had said to George, every moment spent with him–

it had been a waste of time.

And he refused to do that again.

And so that's how it was. George avoided Dream as much as possible, and eventually he got over the blonde.

During their times of needed interaction, it was short, but not cold.

Maybe one day they'd be friends again.

WC: 767


tHaT'S iT(i think😏maybe, maybe not)

I wrote this entire thing in a week 😀👍
I literally had no idea how I was going to make this story go, but here we are.



yes i will be writing more dnf stories, like how could i not hehe

anyways, thanks for reading!

(i was originally gonna post this tmr, but oh well 😏)

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