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Rachel's POV

Never did I think I'd end up here. I thought that I'd graduate high school and college, work, get married and have kids then grow old with my husband but I only did four of those things. I graduated both high school and college, I got a great job as an accountant and I ended up having children.

My name is Rachel Bry Wint and I fell in love with a guy by the name of Marcó Angelo DelRio.

Have you ever met a guy and instantly felt a connection? Like you both are meant for each other? Like you're both soulmates?

Well that was Marco and I, always on the phone talking for hours, going on dates, cooking for each other. We ended up buying a house together, well, Marco bought the house and placed it in my name and at the time I didn't know why and I didn't push it because it was my birthday and that was a gift.

We were inseparable. I'd go to work and he'd pick me up and take me to lunch then wait until after work to carry me home.

We were happy together and then the day came when I found out that I was pregnant.

I called him after I got the results and he came over the night. He came in kissed me and asked if everything was okay.

"I'm pregnant" I told him and he stared at me then smiled really big

"Really?" I nodded and he hugged me so tight like he was afraid I'd dissappear

"How are you feeling about it?" he asked frowning slightly

"I'm scared" I told him in all honesty and he tilted my chin so we could make eye contact

"I'm going to be here with you throughout it all baby so don't be scared" I cried after hearing that because it was so touching to hear that he'd stay and be a father instead of running off and leaving his child behind.

"I'm going to get a new number and whenever you need me and I'm not home just call that number okay because I'm not going to be using this one anymore" I smiled at him as he wiped away my tears

"Thank you for everything Marcó baby" he kissed my lips and tucked a stray hair behind my ear

"I love you" he said making me blush

"I love you too" I said

"Did you eat?" I nod not wanting to talk anymore so he picked me up and carried me into our room where we both got readied for bed and got under the covers.

"I have something planned for us on Saturday" I smiled looking up at him

"Am I going to know what exactly you have planned or I'm going to have to wait?" he winked at me so I knew I'd have to wait.

"Get some rest babygirl" I yawned and cuddled into him and into the dark abyss I fell.

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